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Electronic appendix: Index of physical activity measures across selected CLOSER studies

This appendix accompanies the CLOSER resource: ‘Physical activity across age and study: a guide to data in six CLOSER studies’.

The table below comprises an index of the physical activity measures available as of the time of writing across selected CLOSER studies.

The table can be filtered (using the “search” box) and sorted (using the column headers) on different characteristics of the measures, including study, year, sweep, respondent, activity domain, and subdomain, and whether frequency, duration and intensity of the activity was ascertained.

Original variable names are included to help data users find these variables within study datasets.

Download this table for offline use as an Excel workbook

StudySweepYearAgeLife stageInformantAdministratorQuestionnairePA domainSubdomainQuestions [variable name in brackets]Response scaleFrequencyDurationIntensity
NSHD1977197731AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedCM postal questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEPlease ring the codes below indicating any sports or keep fit activities you take part in and showing how often you do these things (during the season).
Swimming [SWIM77]
Cycling [CYCL77]
Squash, tennis or badminton [SQUAS77]
Keep fit classes [KFIT77]
Other [OACTS77]
Seldom or never
Several times a year
At least once a month
At least once a week
NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedCM self-completed questionnaireDOMESTICDIYHave you done any of these Do-it-Yourself things in the last 4 weeks? (in your spare time)
-Bricklaying [BRCKN82] [BRCKH82]
-Building with stone [STONN82] [STOMH82]
-Concreting, laying paving stones, foundations, soakaways [CONCN820] [CONCH82]
-Demolishing stone, brick, concrete structures [DMOLN82] [DMOLH82]
-Erecting shed, fence, gate, door [SHEDN82] [SHEDH82]
-Moving heavy objects, such as furniture, building materials [MOVEN82] [MOVEH82]
-Rubbing walls down [RUBN82] [RUBH82]
-Painting outdoors, repairs to outside of house [PNTON82] [PNTOH82]
-Painting inside, wallpapering
-Sawing, planning wood, woodwork [CARPN82] [CARPH82]
-Electric wiring [WIREN82] [WIREH82]
-Repairing major appliances [APPLN82] [APPLH82]
Answers are shown as
[Number of times last month]
[total time hours]
NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedCM self-completed questionnaireDOMESTICGARDENING(in your spare time)
a) do you do any regular gardening during the summer [GRDEN82] [GRDEH82]
b) Do you do any regular gardening in the winter (at least once a month?) [GRDMN82] [GRDMH82]
c) Have you done any of these things in the garden in the last 4 weeks
- clearing rough ground [RUFGN82] [RUFGH82]
- digging earth or compost heap [DIGN82] [DIGH82]
- Tree felling, sawing or chopping wood [CHOPN82] [CHOPH82]
- moving earth, landscaping, levelling, rolling [ERTHN82] [ERTHH82]
- cutting grass with scythe or shears [GRSSN82] [GRSSH82]
- planting or transplanting trees, shrubs, bushes [TREEN82] [TREEH82]
- mowing grass or hedge cutting [MOWN82] [MOWH82]
- planting or transplanting flowers, seeds, seedlings outdoors [PLNTN82] [PLNTH82]
- hoeing, pruning, raking, weeding [HOEN82] [HOEH82]
d) have you done anything else in the garden in the last 4 weeks [GELSN82] [GELSH82]
[GRDEN82] Number of times per week
[GRDEH82] Time spent per week

[GRDMN82] Number of times per month
[GRDMH82] Time spent per month

[questions c]
[N] Number of times last month
[H] Time spent last month
NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedCM self-completed questionnaireGENERALSTAIRSDo you regularly climb stairs (at work, home, elsewhere)? [STIRN82] [STIRH82][STIRN82] Average number of flights] or [STIRH82]stairsYesNoYes
NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedCM self-completed questionnaireGENERALSTRENUOUS ACTIVITYHave you done anything at work, in the home or during your spare time that made you feel warm in the last 4 weeks?
[WRM1] [N82] [H82] [M82]
[WRM2] [N82] [H82] [M82]
[WRM3] [N82] [H82] [M82]

Have you done anything at work, in the home or during your spare time that made you perspire in the last 4 weeks?
[PRS1] [N82] [H82] [M82]
[PRS2] [N82] [H82] [M82]
[PRS3] [N82] [H82] [M82]

Have you done anything at work, in the home or during your spare time that made you out of breath in the last 4 weeks?
[OOB1] [N82] [H82] [M82]
[OOB2] [N82] [H82] [M82]
[OOB3] [N82] [H82] [M82]
[Number of times last month]
[Average hours] [Average mins]
NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedCM self-completed questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISE(in your spare time)
A) Have you taken part in any of these sports or outdoor activities in the last 4 weeks?
Badminton [BADSN82] [BADSH82]
Bowls [BWLSN82] [BWLSH82]
Cricket [CRCKN82] [CRCKH82]
Exercises like press ups [FITN82] [FITH82]
Exercises like press ups in gym [GYMN82] [GYMH82]
Football [FOOTN82] [FOOTH82]
Golf [GOLFN82] [GOLFH82]
Hill or mountain climbing [CLMBN82] [CLMBH82]
Jogging [JOGN82] [JOGH82]
Rowing [ROWN82] [ROWH82]
Running or athletics [RUNN82] [RUNH82]
Sailing [SAILN82] [SAILH82]
Squash or rackets [SQUAN82] [SQUAH82]
Swimming [SWIMN82] [SWIMH82]
Table tennis [TTENN82] [TTENH82]
Tennis [TENNN82] [TENNH82]
Yoga [YOGAN82] [YOGAH82]
Water skiing [WSKIN82] [WSKIH82]
Volleyball [VBLLN82] [VBLLH82]
Scuba diving [SDIVN82] [SDIVH82]
Basketball [BBLLN82] [BBLLH82]
Fishing [FISHN82] [FISHH82]
Riding [RIDEN82] [RIDEH82]
Movement to music [MMUSN82] [MMUSH82]
Weight training [WTRNN82] [WTRNH82]
Ballroom dancing [BDANN82] [BDANH82]
Other dancing [ODANN82] [ODANH82] Have you taken part in any other sports or outdoor activities in the last 4 weeks [ACT1N82] [ACT1H82] and [ACT2N82] [ACT2H82]
[Number of times last month]
[Total time spent to nearest hour last month]
NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedCM self-completed questionnaireLEISUREWALKING/CYCLING(not counting going to and from work)
a) have you been on a bicycle in the last 7 days [BIKEN82] [BIKEH82] [BIKEM82]
b) have you done any walking for pleasure over rough or hilly ground (at least half an hour) in the last 4 weeks? [WLKN82] [WLKH82] [WLKM82]
c) Have you done any other sort of walking for pleasure (at least half an hour) in the last 4 weeks? [WLKON82] [WLKOH82] [WLKOM82]
Answers are shown as [no. times] [total time hours and minutes]YesYesYes
NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALHow much time do you spend sitting in the course of your work? [SIT82]
How much time do you spend walking in the course of your work? [WALK82]
How often do you lift or carry heavy things in the course of your work? [LIFT82]

If not working [L var lookin for work] [N var not working/looking after home]:
In the course of the day, that is, not counting the evening - how much time do you spend sitting down? [LSIT82] [NSIT82]
And during the daytime how much of your time do you spend walking? [LWALK82] [NWALK82]
And do you do any lifting or carrying of heavy things during the day? [LLIFT82] [NLIFT82]

Do you find that in physical terms your work takes it out of you? [PHDM82]
[SIT82] [LSIT82] [NSIT82] [WALK82] [LWALK82] [NWALK82] Practically all the time/more than half/about half/less than half/almost none of the time/unknown

[LIFT82] [LLIFT82] [NLIFT82] Very infrequently or never/sometimes/frequently/unknown

[PHDM82] A lot/a moderate amount/very little/unknown

NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireTRAVELCYCLINGDo you normally use a bike on your way to work, or for part of the way? [BIKE82]
On average how many days a week do you use your bike for getting to work? [BIKED82]
Bike to work: About how long does your cycle trip take, on each journey [BIKEL82]
[BIKE82] Yes/No
[BIKED82] Days per week
[BIKEL82] Minutes
NSHD1982198236AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireTRAVELWALKINGOn your way to work do you normally walk for five minutes of more on each journey? [WALKW82]
How many minutes do you normally walk for on your journey to work? [WALKWT82]
Do you usually stroll at [WALKWP82]
Is the way you go mainly [WALKWP82]
[WALKW82] Yes/No
[WALKWT82] Minutes
[WALKWP82] an easy pace/walk at a normal pace/walk fairly briskly/walk fast/unknown
[WALKWP82] flat/hilly/unknown
NSHD1989198943AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireDOMESTICDIYDo you regularly…
Do any heavy building/DIY apart from paid work [DIY89]
How often do you do this [DIYR89]
On average, how long do you spend doing this [DIYH89] [DIYM89]
Does it usually make you sweaty and/or out of breath [DIYSW89]
[DIY89] Yes/No
[DIYR89] Less than once a month/less than once a week/once a week/more than once a week
[DIYH89] [DIYM89] Hours/Mins
[DIYSW89] Yes/No
NSHD1989198943AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireDOMESTICGARDENINGDo you regularly…
Do any heavy gardning apart from paid work (eg digging) [GDN89]
How often do you do this [GDNR89]
On average, how long do you spend doing this [GDNH89] [GDNM89]
Does it usually make you sweaty and/or out of breath [GDNSW89]
[GDN89] Yes/No
[GDNR89] Less than once a month/less than once a week/once a week/more than once a week
[GDNH89] [GDNM89] Hours/Mins
[GDNSW89] Yes/No
NSHD1989198943AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireDOMESTICHOUSEWORKDo you regularly…
Do any vigourous housework or cleaning apart from paid work? (e.g walking with heavy shopping, scrubbing/polishing floors) [HWK89]
How often do you do this [HWKR89]
On average, how long do you spend doing this [HWKH89] [HWKM89]
Does it usually make you sweaty and/or out of breath [HWKSW89]
[HWK89] Yes/No
[HWKR89] Less than once a month/less than once a week/once a week/more than once a week
[HWKH89] [HWKM89] Hours/Mins
[HWKSW89] Yes/No
NSHD1989198943AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireGENERALCYCLINGHow far do you usually cycle on an average weekday? [BIKWD89]
For how many months in the year do you do this? [BIKWM89]
[BIKWD89] No distance/less than 1 mile/1-3 miles/4 or more miles
[BIKWM89] 3 months or less/4-6 months/more than 6 months
NSHD1989198943AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireGENERALWALKINGHow far do you usually walk on an average weekday? [WLKWD89]
For how many months in the year do you do this? [WLKWM89]
[WLKWD89] No distance/less than 1 mile/1-3 miles/4 or more miles
[WLKWM89] 3 months or less/4-6 months/more than 6 months
NSHD1989198943AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDo you regularly take part in any sports or vigorous leisure activities or do any exercises? If yes please list [EXER89]
How many months in the year do you do this? (Blank for respondent to complete)
[EX1MY89] [EX2MY89] [EX3MY89] [EX4MY89]
How often do you do this? [EX1R89] [EX2R89] [EX3R89] [EX4R89]
On average how long do you spend doing this? [EX1H89] [EX1M89]; [EX2H89] [EX2M89]; [EX3H89] [EX3M89]; [EX4H89] [EX4M89]
Does it usually make you sweaty and or out of breath? [Sports or vigorous leisure activities or any exercises] [EX1SW89] [EX2SW89] [EX3SW89] [EX4SW89]
Do you do any other activity at least once a week that makes you work up a sweat [SWEAT89]
[EXER89] Yes/No
[EX1MY89] [EX2MY89] [EX3MY89] [EX4MY89] 1-3 months a year/3-6 months a year/6-11 months a year/all year
[EX1R89] [EX2R89] [EX3R89] [EX4R89] Less than once a month/less than once a week/once a week/more than once a week
[EX1H89] [EX1M89] [EX2H89] [EX2M89] [EX3H89] [EX3M89] [EX4H89] [EX4M89] [H]Hours/[M]Min
[EX1SW89] [EX2SW89] [EX3SW89] [EX4SW89] Yes/No
[SWEAT89] No/yes once a week/twice a week/3 times a week/4 times/5 times/6 times/7 or more times a week
NSHD1989198943AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse interview questionnaireOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALAt work do you regularly do any heavy lifting, carrying, or digging or other strenuous activities? [LIFT89]Not at all/less than 1 hour a day/ 1-2 hours a day/up to half the day/more than half the day/not in paid workYesYesYes
NSHD1999199953AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse CAPI interviewDOMESTICHOUSEWORKHow frequently at home or at work do you use your hands in strong movements, such as squeezing water out of a towel, playing racket sports, digging the garden, or carrying heavy items such as a suitcase, briefcase, bucket or shopping bag? [SHAHF]Several times a day/Once a day/Once or several times a week/Occasionally/NeverYesNoYes
NSHD1999199953AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewNurse CAPI interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEIn the last 4 weeks, have you taken part in any sports or vigorous leisure activities or done any exercises in your spare time, not including getting to and from work? if asked: Include things like badminton, swimming, yoga, press-ups, dancing, mounting climbing or jogging and brisk walks for 30 minutes or more. [EXER]
On how many occasions in the last 4 weeks did you do these activities? [EXERN]
On how many occasions did your exercise make you sweaty and or out of breath? [EXERS]
[EXER] Yes/No
[EXERN] Number of times last 4 weeks.
[EXERS] Number of times
NSHD2014201468Older ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPostal questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEIn the last 4 weeks, in your spare time, have you taken part in any sports or vigorous leisure activities or done exercises, things like badminton, swimming, yoga, conditioning exercises, floor-based exercises, dancing, hill-walking or jogging? [WEXER14]
On how many occasions in the last month did you do these activities? [WEXEN14]
On how many occasions were you sweaty and/or out of breath? [WEXES14]
[WEXER14] Yes/No
[WEXEN14] Number of times/last 4 weeks
[WEXES14] Number of times
NSHD2015201569Older ageStudy MemberInterviewNurse home scheduleLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEIn the last 4 weeks, in your spare time, have you taken part in any sports or vigorous leisure activities or done exercises, things like badminton, swimming, yoga, conditioning exercises, floor-based exercises, dancing, hill-walking or jogging? [Wexer15]
On how many occasions in the last month did you do these activities? [WEXEN15]
[Wexer15] Yes/No
[WEXEN15] Number of time last month
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletDOMESTICGARDENING/DIYDid you do any of the following activities in the last 12 months [GRD09]
Mowing the lawn - during the grass cutting season [NGRG09] [HGRG09] [MGRG09]
Watering the lawn or garden in the summer [NGRW09] [HGRW09] [MGRW09]
Digging, shoveling or chopping wood [NGRS09] [HGRS09] [MGRS09]
Weeding, pruning [NGRP09] [HGRP09] [MGRP09]
DIY e.g carpentry, home or car maintenance [NDIY09] [HDIY09]c
[N vars] not done in last year]
[H vars] Hours of average time per episode
[M vars] Mins of average time per episode
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletGENERALSTAIRSAt home, how many times a day do you normally climb up a flight of stairs (10 steps)?
On a weekday [NHSUD09]
On a weekend day [NHSUE09]
Number of times each dayYesNoYes
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow much time you spend on average during the last year using a computer, other than for work? [NCPU09]Hours a dayYesYesYes
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow much time you spend on average during the last year watching TV or videos?
Hours a dayYesYesYes
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEIn the last 4 weeks, in your spare time, have you taken part in any sports or vigorous leisure activities or done any exercises, things like badminton, swimming, yoga, press-ups, dancing, football, mountain climbing or jogging? [WEXER09]
On how many occassions in the last month did you do these activities? [WEXEN09]
On how many of these occassions were you sweaty and/or out of breath [WEXES09]
[WEXER09] Yes/No
[WEXEN09] [WEXES09] Number of time last month
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDid you do any of the following activities in the last 12 months [YEXER09]
Swimming - leisurely not laps [NSWL09] [HSWL09] [MSWL09]
Swimming - competive laps [NSWC09] [HSWC09] [MSWC09]
Walking for pleasure - do not include walking as a means of transport [NWAK09] [HWAK09] [MWAK09]
Backpacking, hill walking or mountain climbing [NBWK09] [HBWK09] [MBWK09]
Jogging [NJOG09] [HJOG09] [MJOG09]
Competitive running [NRUN09] [HRUN09] [MRUN09]
Cycling for pleasure - do not include cycling as a means of transport [NCYP09] [HCYP09] [MCYP09]
Racing through rough terrain cycling [NCYR09] [HCYR09] [MCYR09]
[N vars] not done in last year, [H vars] Hours of average time per episode
[M vars] Mins of average time per episode
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDid you do any of the following activities in the last 12 months [GYM09]
High impact aerobics, step aerobics [NGYH09] [HGYH09] [MGYH09]
Other aerobics [NGYA09] [HGYA09] [MGYA09]
Exercises with weights [NGYW09] [HGYW09] [MGYW09]
Conditioning exercises e.g using an exercise bike or rowing machine [NGYR09] [HGYR09] [MGYR09]
Floor exercises e.g stretching, bending, keeping fit [NGYF09] [HGYF09] [MGYF09]
[N vars] not done in last year, [H vars] Hours of average time per episode
[M vars] Mins of average time per episode
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDid you do any of the following activities in the last 12 months [ACT09]
Dancing e.g ballroom [NACD09] [HACD09] [MACD09]
Musical instrument playing, singing [NACS09] [HACS09] [MACS09]
Horse-riding [NACH09] [HACH09] [MACH09]
Fishing [NACF09] [HACF09] [MACFS09]
Rowing [NACR09] [HACR09] [MACR09]
Sailing, windsurfing, boating [NACB09] [HACB09] [MACB09]
Ice-skating[NACK09] [HACK09] [MACK09]
Winter sports eg skiing [NACW09] [HACW09] [MACW09]
Martial arts, boxing, wrestling [NACX09] [HACX09] [MACX09]
[N vars] not done in last year, [H vars] Hours of average time per episode
[M vars] Mins of average time per episode
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDid you do any of the following activities in the last 12 months [GAM09]
Snooker, billiards, darts [NGAD09] [HGAD09] [MGAD09]
Bowling, indoor lawn or ten pin [NGAB09] [HGAB09] [MGAB09]
Tennis or badminton [NGAT09] [HGAT09] [MGAT09]
Squash [NGAS09] [HGAS09] [MGAS09]+K31
Table tennis [NGAE09] [HGAE09] [MGAE09]
Golf [NGAG09] [HGAG09] [MGAG09]
Netball, volleyball, basketball [NGAV09] [HGAV09] [MGAV09]
Football, rugby or hockey during the season [NGAF09] [HGAF09] [MGAF09]
Cricket during the season [NGAC09] [HGAC09] [MGAC09]
[N vars] not done in last year, [H vars] Hours of average time per episode
[M vars] Mins of average time per episode
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDid you do any other physical activities not listed above in the last 12 months? [PAC09]
First activity [NPF09] [HPF09] [MPF09]
Second activity [NPS09] [HPS09] [MPS09]
[N vars] not done in last year, [H vars] Hours of average time per episode
[M vars] Mins of average time per episode
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALHave you done each activity at work in the last year?
Sitting – light work e.g. desk work, or driving a car or truck [ASIL09] [HSIL09]
Sitting – moderate work e.g. working heavy levers or riding a mower or forklift truck [ASIM09] [HSIM09]
Standing – light work e.g. lab technician work or working at a shop counter [ASTL09] [HSTL09]
Standing – light/moderate work e.g. light welding or stocking shelves [ASTLM09] [HSTLM09]
Standing – moderate work e.g. fast rate assembly line work or lifting up to 50 lbs every 5 minutes for a few
seconds at a time [ASTM09] [HSTM09]
Standing – moderate/heavy work e.g. masonry/painting or lifting more than 50 lbs every 5 minutes for a few seconds at a time [ASTMH09] [HSTMH09]
Walking at work – carrying nothing heavier than a briefcase e.g. moving about a shop [AWAN09] [HWAN09]
Walking – carrying something heavy [AWAH09] [HWAH09]
Moving, pushing heavy objects weighing over 75 lbs [AMOW09] [HMOW09]

If you do any other activities at work which we have not included, please list them in the space below and fill in the
hours per week column [AANI09] [HANI09]
[A vars] Yes/No
[H vars] Hours per week
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALAt work, how many times a day do you normally
Climb up a flight of stairs (10 steps) [STUFN09]
Climb up a ladder [LADUN09]
[STUFN09] [LADUN09] Number of times each dayYesNoYes
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletTRAVELCYCLINGApart from journeys to work, have you made any journeys by bicycle in the last 7 days? [JBI09]
Journeys less than 0.5 miles [JBI109]
Journeys of 0.5 to 1.5 miles [JBI209]
Journeys of 1.5 to 2.5 miles [JBI309]
Journeys of 2.5 to 3.5 miles [JBI409]
Journeys of 3.5 to 5.5 miles [JBI509]
Journeys of more than 5.5 miles [JBI609]
Journeys answered as the number of journeys made by each distance
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletTRAVELWALKINGApart from journeys to work, have you made any journeys by foot in the last 7 days? [JFT09]
Journeys less than 0.5 miles [JFT109]
Journeys of 0.5 to 1.5 miles [JFT209]
Journeys of 1.5 to 2.5 miles [JFT309]
Journeys of 2.5 to 3.5 miles [JFT409]
Journeys of 3.5 to 5.5 miles [JFT509]
Journeys of more than 5.5 miles [JFT609]
Journeys answered as the number of journeys made by each distance
NSHD2008-20102008-201060-64 yearsOlder ageStudy MemberSelf-completedPre-assessment bookletTRAVELWALKING/CYCLINGHow many journeys do you make between home and work in an average week? [JWA09]
How far do you walk on each journey? [HWJ09]
How far do you cycle on each journey? [HCJ09]
[JWA09] Number of journeys
[HWJ09] [HCJ09] No distance/ Less than0.5 miles/0.5-1.5 miles/1.5-2.5 miles/2.5-3.5 miles/3.5-5.5miles/more than 5.5 miles
NCDSNCDS S2196911ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedTest BookletSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVWatching television after school hour [N949]Often (nearly every day), sometimes, never or hardly everYesNoYes
NCDSNCDS S2196911ChildhoodParentInterviewParental Interview FormLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEFrequency of using the following in the last 12 months:
A park, public garden, heath, common, or fields where children are allowed to play [N1139]
A recreation or other outdoor play centre (other than school) [N1140]
Swimming or paddling places which are safe for children [N1141]
Not available, never goes though available, goes sometimes, goes oftenYesNoNo
NCDSNCDS S2196911ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedTest BookletLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEPlaying outdoor games or taking part in sports outside school hours [N941]Often (nearly every day), sometimes, never or hardly everYesNoNo
NCDSNCDS S3197416ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedIndividual questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVFrequency of the following in spare time:
Watching television [N2868]
Often, sometimes, never or hardly ever, would like to do but do not have the chance.YesNoYes
NCDSNCDS S3197416ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedIndividual questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEFrequency of the following in spare time:
Plays outdoor games & sport [N2866]
Plays indoor games & sport [N2867]
Often, sometimes, never or hardly ever, would like to do but do not have the chance.YesNoNo
NCDSNCDS S3197416ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedIndividual questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEFrequency of the following in spare time:
Swimming [N2866]
Often, sometimes, never or hardly ever, would like to do but do not have the chance.YesNoYes
NCDSNCDS S4198123Early adulthoodStudy MemberInterviewCM interviewSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow often have you done these in the last 4 weeks?
Watching television [N5913]
5 times a week, 3-4 times a week, 1-2 times a week, 2-3 times in the last 4 weeks, once in the last 4 weeks, not done in last 4 weeksYesNoYes
NCDSNCDS S4198123Early adulthoodStudy MemberInterviewCM interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often have you done these in the last 4 weeks?
Played sport of any kind (“including keep fit, yoga and similar exercise”) [N5916]
5 times a week, 3-4 times a week, 1-2 times a week, 2-3 times in the last 4 weeks, once in the last 4 weeks, not done in last 4 weeksYesNoNo
NCDSNCDS S5199133AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewCM interviewDOMESTICHOUSWORKDo you ever excert yourself enough doing everyday activities (i.e. housework, childcare, gardening, DIY, or just walking around) enough to get out of breath? [N504364]
How often do you get out of breath doing these everyday activities? [N504366]
[N504364] Yes/No
[N504366] Every day or most days/4-5 days a week/2-3 days a week/Once a week/2-3 times a month/Less often
NCDSNCDS S5199133AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewCM interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDo you regularly take part in exercise/sport activities [listed on show card: Take part in competitive sport of any kind, Go to ‘keep fit’ or aerobics classes, Go running or jogging, Go swimming, Go cycling, Go for walks, Take part in water sports, Take part in outdoor sports, Go dancing, Take part in any other sport or leisure activity which involves physical exercise]] (regularly means at least one a month for most of the year)? [N504362]
How often do you take part in these exercise/sports activities? [N504363]
[N504362] Yes/No
[N504363] None, everyday or most days, 4-5 days a week 2-3 days a week, once a week, 2-3 times a month, less often
NCDSNCDS S5199133AdulthoodStudy MemberInterviewCM interviewOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALHow much physical effort is involved in your job? [N504361]None, a little, some, a lotNoNoYes
NCDSNCDS S6200042AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)CM interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDo you regularly take part in exercise/sport activities [listed on showcard: Take part in competitive sport of any kind, Go to ‘keep fit’ or aerobics classes, Go running or jogging, Go swimming, Go cycling, Go for walks, Take part in water sports, Take part in outdoor sports, Go dancing, Take part in any other sport or leisure activity which involves physical exercise) (regular defined as at least once a month for most of the year] (regularly means at least one a month for most of the year)? [exercise]
How often do you take part in these exercise/sports activities? [breathls]
When you take part in these exercise/sports activities, do you get out of breath or sweaty [sweat]

[exercise] Yes/no
[breathls] Everyday, 4-5 days a week 2-3 days a week, once a week, 2-3 times a month, less often
[sweat] Most times, sometimes, rarely, never
NCDSNCDS S7200446AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)CM telephone interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDo you regularly take part in any physical activities or exercise? (listed on showcard: Take part in competitive sport of any kind, Go to ‘keep fit’ or aerobics classes, Go running or jogging, Go swimming, Go cycling, Go for walks, Take part in water sports, Take part in outdoor sports, Go dancing, Take part in any other sport or
leisure activity which involves physical exercise) (regular defined as at least once a month for most of the year) [n7exers1]
How often do you take part in any activity of this type? [n7breals]
When you participate in any activity of this type, would you say you got out of breath or sweaty [n7sweat]
[n7exers1] yes/no
[n7breals] None, every day, 4-5 days a week, 2-3 days a week, Once a week, 2-3 times a month, Less often
[n7sweat] Most times, sometimes, rarely, never
NCDSNCDS S7200446AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)CM telephone interviewTRAVELWALKING/CYCLINGWhat is your main form of transport [n7tranrt]?[n7tranrt] Car/motorcycle/moped; Public transport; Cycling; Walking; Other; Never goes outNoNoYes
NCDSNCDS S82008-200950AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion questionnaireDOMESTICGARDENING/DIYHow frequently you do each one...:
Work in the garden [N8SCQ1G]; Do DIY, home maintenance or car repairs [N8SCQ1H];
At least once a week, at least once a month, several times a year, once a year or less, never/almost neverYesNoYes
NCDSNCDS S82008-200950AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow frequently you.:
Play sport or go walking or swimming [N8SCQ1A];
Attend leisure activity groups such as evening classes, keep fit, yoga etc [N8SCQ1J];
At least once a week, at least once a month, several times a year, once a year or less, never/almost neverYesNoNo
NCDSNCDS S82008-200950AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)CM interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDo you regularly take part in any physical activities or exercise? By regular I mean at least once a month for most of the year. (Take part in competitive sport of any kind, Go to ‘keep fit’ or aerobics classes, Go running or jogging, Go swimming, Go cycling, Go for walks, Take part in water sports, Take part in outdoor sports, Go dancing, Take part in any other sport of
leisure activity which involves physical exercise) [N8EXERSE]

How often do you take part in any activity of this type? [N8BREALS]
When you participate in any activity of this type, would you say you got out of breath or sweaty [N8SWEAT]
[N8EXERSE] yes/no
[N8BREALS] None, every day, 4-5 days a week, 2-3 days a week, Once a week, 2-3 times a month, Less often
[N8SWEAT] Most times, sometimes, rarely, never
NCDSNCDS S82008-200950AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)CM interviewOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALPhysical activities involved in your work. Which option best correspond to your present activities? [N8PHYSWK]Sitting occupation, standing occupation, physical work, heavy manual workNoNoYes
NCDSNCDS S9201355AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) & Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)CM main stage questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhether you take part in the following activities and frequently:
Play Sport Or Go Walking Or Swimming [N9LEIS01]
Groups e.g. Evening class, yoga, keep fit [N9LEIS05]
At least once a week, At least once a month, Less often, neverYesNoNo
NCDSNCDS S9201355AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) & Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI)CM main stage questionnaireOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALPhysical actitivies involved in your work. Which option best correspond to your present activities? [N9PHYSWK]Sitting occupation, standing occupation, physical work, heavy manual workNoNoYes
NCDSBiomed (44/45)200244-45 yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion booklet 2DOMESTICGARDENING/DIYHow often on average, did you do this last year?:
mowing the lawn (“during the grass cutting season”) [lawnmo lawnmoh lawnmom]; watering the lawn or garden in the summer [gwater gwaterh gwaterm]; digging, shovelling or chopping wood [digchop digchoph digchopm]; weeding or pruning [weeding weedingh weedingm]; DIY (e.g. “carpentry, home or car maintenance”) [diy diyh diym];
Not done,
[vars ending on h] average hours per episode
[vars ending on m] average min per episode

[for each activity a derived variable has been created ending on t that is the total average per episode in minutes. Calculated from the raw h and m variables]
NCDSBiomed (44/45)200244-45 yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion booklet 2SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCTime spent on average during the last year:
Using a computer (during leisure time only) [pctime]
None, <1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 >4 hr/dayNoYesYes
NCDSBiomed (44/45)200244-45 yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion booklet 2SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVTime spent on average during the last year:
Watching TV or videos [tvtime]
None, <1, 1-2, 2-3, 3-4 >4 hr/dayNoYesYes
NCDSBiomed (44/45)200244-45 yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion booklet 2LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISE"How often on average, did you do this last year?" "Average time per episode?":
leisurely swimming [swimslo] [swimsloh] [swimslom]; competitive swimming [swimlap swimlaph swimlapm]; walking for pleasure (“not as a means of transport”) [easywlk] [easywlkh] [easywlkm]; backpacking, hill walking, or mountain climbing [hillwlk hillwlkh hillwlkm]; cycling for pleasure (“not as a form of transport”) [bikeslo bikesloh bikeslom]; racing or rough terrain cycling [bikehd bikehdh bikehdm]; high impact aerobics, step aerobics [aerobhi aerobhih aerobhim]; other aerobics [aeroblo aerobloh aeroblom]; exercises with weights [gymwt gymwth gymwtm]; conditioning exercises (“eg, using an exercise bike or rowing machine”) [gymcv gymcvh gymcvm]; floor exercises (“eg, stretching, bending, keep fit”) [gymflr gymflrh gymflrm]; dancing (“eg ballroom, disco”) [dance danceh dancem]; competitive running [running runningh runningm]; jogging [jogging joggingh joggingm]; bowling [bowling bowlingh bowlingm]; tennis or badminton [tennis tennish tennism]; squash [squash squashh squashm]; table tennis [tabten tabtenh tabtenm]; golf [golf golfh golfm]; football, rugby or hockey [footie footieh footiem]; cricket [cricket cricketh cricketm]; rowing [rowing rowingh rowingm]; netball, volleyball, basketball [netball netballh netballm]; fishing [fishing fishingh fishingm]; horse riding [hriding hridingh hridingm]; snooker, billiards, darts [snooker snookerh snookerm]; musical instrument playing [music musich musicm]; ice skating [skating skatingh skatingm]; sailing, windsurfing, boating [sailing sailingh sailingm]; winter sports (“eg, skiing”) [skiing skiingh skiingm]; martial arts/boxing/wrestling [boxing boxingh boxingm]; other exercises (“please specify”) [exoth1 exoth1h exoth1m] [exoth2 exoth2h exoth2m]
Not done,
[vars ending on h] average hours per episode
[vars ending on m] average min per episode

[for each activity a derived variable has been created ending on t that is the total average per episode in minutes. Calculated from the raw h and m variables]
NCDSBiomed (44/45)200244-45 yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion bookletOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALHave you done each activity at work in the last year?:
Sitting – light work; e.g. desk work, or driving a car or truck [sitlt sitlthr]
Sitting – moderate work; e.g. working heavy levers or riding a mower or forklift truck [sitmod sitmodhr]
Standing – light work; e.g. lab technician work or working at a shop counter [stdlt stdlthr]
Standing – light/moderate work; e.g. light welding or stocking shelves [stdlm stdlmhr]
Standing – moderate work; e.g. fast rate assembly line work or lifting up to 50 lbs every 5 minutes for a few seconds at a time [stdmod stdmodhr]
Standing – moderate/heavy work; e.g. masonry/painting or lifting more than 50 lbs every 5 minutes for a few seconds at a time [stdmh stdmhhr]
Walking at work; carrying nothing heavier than a briefcase e.g. moving about a shop [wlklt wlklthr]
Walking; carrying something heavy [wlkhv wlkhvhr]
Moving, pushing heavy objects weighing over 75 lbs [movob movobhr]
Other activities [wkoth1hr wkoth2hr]
[Whether done work activity] yes/no

[vars ending in hr] Hours per week
NCDSBiomed (44/45)200244-45 yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion bookletOCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALAt work, how many times a day do you normally:
Climb up a flight of stairs (10 steps) [wkstair]
Climb up a ladder [wkladd]
Number of times per dayYesNoYes
NCDSBiomed (44/45)200244-45 yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion bookletTRAVELWALKING/CYCLINGHow do you usually travel to work:
Bicycle [wkbike]
Walking [wkwalk]
Number of miles between home and work [wkmiles]
Number of times a week travel between home and work [wktrips]
Always/Usually/Occasionally/Rarely or never
[wkmiles] Miles
[wktrips] Times a week
NCDSBiomed (44/45)200244-45 yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion bookletTRAVELWALKING/CYCLINGApart from journeys to work, number of journeys do you make in an average week by the following (“to and from somewhere counts as two journeys”):

By bicycle [biketot bikeless bikeone biketwo bikethre bikefive bikemore]
Walking [walktot walkless walkone walktwo walkthre walkfive walkmore]

[walktot] =total number of journeys walking; number of journeys [walkless]= less than 0.5 mile, [walkone] =0.5-1.5 miles, [walktwo]=1.5-2.5 miles, [walkthre]=2.5-3.5 miles, [walkfive]=4.5-5.5 miles [walkmore]=more than 5.5 miles
[biketot] =total number of journeys by bike; number of journeys [bikeless]= less than 0.5 mile, [bikeone] =0.5-1.5 miles, [biketwo]=1.5-2.5 miles, [bikethre]=2.5-3.5 miles, [bikefive]=4.5-5.5 miles [bikemore]=more than 5.5 milesYesYesYes
BCS70BCS 197519755ChildhoodParentInterviewHome interview questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVOn an average weekend day, how many hours per day do you:<1 … 7 hoursYesYesYes
BCS70BCS 197519755ChildhoodParentInterviewHome interview questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEIn the past 7 days has CM been went to a park, recreation ground, adventure playground? [e242]Yes (with adults, children, or by self),
BCS70BCS 1980198010ChildhoodParentInterviewParental interviewSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow often does your child do this in spare time:
Watching television [M88]
Never or hardly ever, sometimes, oftenYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1980198010ChildhoodParentInterviewParental interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often, if at all, does your child do these in his/her spare time?
Plays sports [M84]
Goes swimming [M92]
Never or hardly ever, sometimes, oftenYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1980198010ChildhoodParentInterviewParental interviewLEISURECYCLINGHow often, if at all, does your child do these in his/her spare time
Rides a bicycle [M87]
Never or hardly ever, sometimes, oftenYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1980198010ChildhoodParentInterviewParental interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhat sort of things [and frequency] does you child do on his/her own?
Plays in the street on own [M99]
Goes to park or playground on own [M100]
Never, seldom, about once a week, almost every dayYesNoNo
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Home and all that) Document GDOMESTICHOUSEWORK/DIYWhat kind of thing do you help with at home?:
Shopping, washing up, cleaning the house, making the beds, cooking, looking after elderly relatives / pets / younger children, washing, gardening, cleaning car, DIY [gb12_1- gb12_12]
Regularly, sometimes, rarely or never, doesn’t applyYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Health-Related Behaviour) Document FDOMESTICHOUSEWORK/GARDENINGDo you help at home (e.g.housework/gardening) [f18]Never, sometimes, most days, everydayYesNoNo
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Health-Related Behaviour) Document FSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGAfter school yesterday, how long spent..
Playing computer games [f15]
Not at all, less than 1 hour, more than 1 hour, more than 2 hrs, more than 3hrs, more than 4hrs, more than 5hrsYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Life and Leisure) Document JSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVDo you watchTV…
-early morning <9am [ja2a]
-morning 9am-12pm [ja2b]
-lunchtime 12-2pm [ja2c]
-afternoon 2-6pm [ja2d]
-evening 6-9pm [ja2e]
-evening 9-11pm [ja2f]
-late evening 11pm-end [ja2g]
Most days, 2-3 times a week, once a week, less than once a week, rarely or neverYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Health-Related Behaviour) Document FSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVAfter school yesterday, how long spent..
Watching TV ? [f13]
Watching video film [f14]
Not at all, less than 1 hour, more than 1 hour, more than 2 hrs, more than 3hrs, more than 4hrs, more than 5hrsYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Student Score Form) Document CLEISURESELF-COMPARISONCompared with others of own age and sex:
I take exercise [c5g12]; when exercising I get out of breath [c5g22]; I do sport [c5g25]
Much less, about the same, much moreNoNoYes
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Life and Leisure) Document JLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISETaken instructions in the following in the last 12 months…
Self-defence [jc12a1]
Swimming [jc12a2]
Dancing [jc12a3]
Aerobics/keep fit [jc12a9]
At school, outside school, both at and outside school, noYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Life and Leisure) Document JLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDid you tak any exercise last Saturday? [jc22]
Walking > 1 mile [jc22a1]
Running/jogging >1 mile [jc22a2]
Bicycling >1 mile [jc22a3]
Swimming ?4 lengths [jc22a4]
Dancing [jc22a5]
Indoor sports [jc22a6]
Outdoor sports [jc22a7]
Exercise/keep fit class [jc22a8]
Other form of exercise [jc22a9]
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Life and Leisure) Document JLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEBeen in sports-community centre in last year? [jc23]
Number of times in…
Sports centre last year [jc23aa]
Sports-community centre last year [jc23b1]

Reason for not going to sport-community centre...
No time [jc23b1]
Don’t want to go [jc23b2]
Too far away [jc23b3]
Not in area now [jc23b4]
No transport [jc23b5]
Is too expensive [jc23b6]
Friends don't go [jc23b7]
No longer interested in sport [jc23b8]
Other reason for not going [jc23b9]

[jc23] Sports centre, community centre, both, neither, went over 12 months ago
[jj23aa-jc23b1] More than once a week, once a week, once or twice a month, occassionally
[jc23b1-jc23b9] yes/no
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Health-Related Behaviour) Document FLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEIn past year, participation in a range of individual activities, in school [F20A] or out of school [F20A]:
baseball [F20A1] [F20B1], basketball [F20A2] [F20B2], cricket [F20A3] [F20B3], football [F20A4] [F20B4], hockey [F20A5] [F20B5], netball [F20A6] [F20B6], rounders [F20A7] [F20B7], rugby [F20A8] [F20B8], volleyball [F20A9] [F20B9], other team activity [F20A10] [F20B10] aerobics [F20A11] [F20B11], Track/field [F20A12] [F20B12], Badminton [F20A13] [F20B13], Canoeing [F20A14] [F20B14], Cross-country [F20A15] [F20B15], cycling [F20A16] [F20B16], dancing [F20A17] [F20B17], gymnastics [F20A18] [F20B18], horse riding [F20A19] [F20B19], jogging [F20A20] [F20B20], fitness exercise [F20A21] [F20B21], motorcycling [F20A22] [F20B22], ice/roller skating [F20A23] [F20B23], rowing [F20A24] [F20B24], sailing [F20A25] [F20B25], scrambling [F20A26] [F20B26], skiing [F20A27] [F20B27], squash [F20A28] [F20B28], swimming [F20A29] [F20B29], table tennis [F20A30] [F20B30], tennis [F20A31] [F20B31], walking [F20A32] [F20B32], water-skiing [F20A33] [F20B33], weight-training [F20A34] [F20B34], wind surfing [F20A35] [F20B35], individual activity [F20A36] [F20B36], billiards [F20A37] [F20B37], darts [F20A38] [F20B38], fishing [F20A39] [F20B39], pool [F20A40] [F20B40], shooting [F20A41] [F20B41], snooker [F20A42] [F20B42], other sport [F20A43] [F20B43]
At least once a week, at least once a month, NoYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Health-Related Behaviour) Document FLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhether participant represented 1. school or 2. cllub outside school, in any sporting events (write in sport) [f21a1- f21b3]Yes/NoNoNoNo
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Life and Leisure) Document JLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhat have you usually done at dinner time during the Easter/spring term 1986?
Played an outdoor sport game [jb11c]
BCS70BCS 1986198616ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedStudent Self-Completion Questionnaire (Health-Related Behaviour) Document FTRAVELCYCLINGUse of bicycle in last 2 weeks [f9a1- f9a6]
a)to go to school, b)do paid job, c)see friends/shopping etc, d)enjoyment (outings), e) BMX-type activities, f)racing
BCS70BCS0 2000200030AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)CM interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDo you regularly take part in exercise/sport activities [listed on show card: Take part in competitive sport of any kind, Go to ‘keep fit’ or aerobics classes, Go running or jogging, Go swimming, Go cycling, Go for walks, Take part in water sports, Take part in outdoor sports, Go dancing, Take part in any other sport or leisure activity which involves physical exercise] (regularly means at least once a month for most of the year)? [exercise]
How often do you take part in these exercise/sports activities? [breathls]
When you take part in these exercise/sports activities, do you get out of breath or sweaty [sweat]
[exercise] Yes/No
[breathls] Everyday, 4-5 days a week 2-3 days a week, once a week, 2-3 times a month, less often
[sweat] Most times, sometimes, rarely, never
BCS70BCS 2004200434AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)CM interviewLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDo you regularly take part in exercise/sport activities (listed on show card: Take part in competitive sport of any kind, Go to ‘keep fit’ or aerobics classes, Go running or jogging, Go swimming, Go cycling, Go for walks, Take part in water sports, Take part in outdoor sports, Go dancing, Take part in any other sport or leisure activity which involves physical exercise) (regularly means at least once a month for most of the year)? [b7exerse]
How often do you take part in these exercise/sports activities? [b7breals]
When you take part in these exercise/sports activities, do you get out of breath or sweaty [b7sweat]
[b7exerse] Yes/No
[b7breals] Everyday, 4-5 days a week 2-3 days a week, once a week, 2-3 times a month, less often
[b7sweat] Most times, sometimes, rarely, never
BCS70BCS 2004200434AdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)CM interviewTRAVELTRAVELWhat is your main form of transport? [b7tranrt]Car/motorcycle/moped; public transport; cycling; walking; other; never goes outNoNoYes
BCS70BCS 2012201242AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVTime spent watching television, videos, DVDs, blue-ray (including on a computer):
On a typical weekday [b9scq10a]
On a typical weekend [b9scq10b]
None <1 hour, 1-<3 hours, 3-<5, >5 hoursYesYesYes
BCS70BCS 2012201242AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often have you done each of the following sporting activities in the last 12 months?: Health/fitness/gym/conditioning activities, swimming or diving, cycling, dancing, jogging, walking for pleasure/rambling, racquet sports (tennis etc), team sports (football), martial arts, water sports (rowing etc), horse riding, yoga/pilates, golf, ski-ing, other. [b9scq2a-b9scq2o]Daily, 4-5 days/week, 2-3 days/week, once a week, 2-3 times a month, less often, not in last 12 monthsYesNoYes
BCS70BCS 2012201242AdulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSelf-completion questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEOn how many days in a typical week do you do 30 minutes or more of exercise where you are working hard enough to raise your heart rate and break into a sweat? [B9EXERSE]0-7 daysYesYesYes
ALSPAC3 years (38 months)1994-19963ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy 3 Year Old, 38 Months (KG)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow much time on average does she spend:
(c) watching T.V. [kg272 kg276]
Answers separate for during the week [kg272] and at weekends [kg276]:
Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours a day
More than 2 hours a day
ALSPAC3 years (38 months)1994-19963ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy 3 Year Old, 38 Months (KG)TRAVELTRAVELTwo separate questions with same categories:
How much time on average does she spend:
(a) in a car
Answers separate for during the week and at weekends:
Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours a day
More than 2 hours a day
ALSPAC4 years (54 months)1995-19974ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Young 4 Year Old (KK)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow much time on average does he spend each day (school day, weeekend, total):
d) watching TV [kk331 kk331a kk332 kk332a kk333]
Answer categories separate for 1) on a school day and 2) at the weekend
Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC4 years (57 months)1996-19974ChildhoodParentSelf-completedDevelopment and Health of My Son/Daughter (KL)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTV About how often does your child do the following during term time
k) Play computer games [kl453]
Every day
2-6 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC4 years (57 months)1996-19974ChildhoodParentSelf-completedDevelopment and Health of My Son/Daughter (KL)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does she go to:
d) park or playground [kl313]
j) swimming pool or other sporting area [kl319]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
A few times per year
ALSPAC4 years (57 months)1996-19974ChildhoodParentSelf-completedDevelopment and Health of My Son/Daughter (KL)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following during term time:
a) Go to a park or playground [kl440]
g) Go to special classes or clubs for some activity (e.g. dancing, judo, sports ) [kl447]
l) Help in the house
Every day
2-6 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC4 years (57 months)1996-19974ChildhoodParentSelf-completedDevelopment and Health of My Son/Daughter (KL)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following during term time:
b) Go swimming [kl441]
Every day
2-6 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC4 years (54 months)1995-19974ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Young 4 Year Old (KK)TRAVELTRAVELHow does he get there and back (ie to school/ childcare)
a) He walks [kk435 kk436]
f) Rides bicycle [kk445 kk446]
Every day/some days
Coming back
Every day/some days
ALSPAC5 years (65 months)1996-19985ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy 5 Year Old (KM)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow much time on average does she spend each day:
d) watching TV [km3063 km3073]
Answer categories separate for 1) on a school day, 2) at the weekend and 3) on normal days during school holidays

Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC5 years (69 months)1997-19985ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy School Boy/Girl (KN)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow often during the week is the TV switched on when he is in the room?

a) Breakfast TV (6-00 to 9-00 am) [kn3030]
b) In the daytime (9-00am to 4-00 pm) [kn3031]
c) Between 4-00 and 5-30 [kn3032]
d) In the evening between 5-30 and 9pm. [kn3033]
e) After 9pm. [kn3034]
Yes every day
Yes most days
Yes occasionally
No or rarely
ALSPAC5 years (65 months)1996-19985ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy 5 Year Old (KM)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following during term time:
a) Go to a park or playground [km4350]
g) Go to special classes or clubs for some activity (e.g. dancing, judo, sports) [km4354]
l) Help in the house
Every day
2-6 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC5 years (65 months)1996-19985ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy 5 Year Old (KM)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following during term time:
b) Go swimming [km4351]
Every day
2-6 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC5 years (69 months)1997-19985ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy School Boy/Girl (KN)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following
d) go to public park or playground [kn3123]
j) go to swimming pool or other sporting area [kn3129]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
A few times per year
Once or twice a year
ALSPAC5 years (65 months)1996-19985ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy 5 Year Old (KM)TRAVELTRAVELHow does she get there and back (ie to school/childcare)
a) She walks [km4190 km4200]
f) Rides bicycle [km4195 km4205]

How far away is it? [km4210]
How long does it take to get there in the morning? [km4211]
Every day/some days
Coming back
Every day/some days

[km4210] less than ½ mile (1 km) away
½ - 1 mile (1-2 km) away
1 - 5 miles (2-8 km) away
more than 5 miles (8 km) away

[km4211] Minutes
ALSPAC6 years (77 months)1997-19996ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter Growing Up (KP)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow much time on average does she spend each day:
k) using a computer [kp5030 kp5050 kp5070]
Answer categories separate for 1) on a school day, 2) at the weekend and 3) on normal days during school holidays

Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC6 years (77 months)1997-19996ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter Growing Up (KP)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow much time on average does she spend each day:
d) watching TV [kp5023 kp5043 kp5063]
Answer categories separate for 1) on a school day, 2) at the weekend and 3) on normal days during school holidays

Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC6 years (81 months)1998-19996ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter At School (KQ)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTV/PCHow often does she:
l) Play computer games [kq571]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC6 years (77 months)1997-19996ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter Growing Up (KP)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following
d) go to public park or playground [kp6073]
j) go to swimming pool or other sporting area [kp6079]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
A few times per year
Once or twice a year
ALSPAC6 years (81 months)1998-19996ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter At School (KQ)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often does she:
e) Go to special classes or clubs for some activity (e.g. dancing, judo, sports) [kq564]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC6 years (81 months)1998-19996ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter At School (KQ)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often does she:
a) Go swimming [kq560]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC6 years (77 months)1997-19996ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter Growing Up (KP)TRAVELTRAVELHow does she get to school and back?
a) She walks [kp1080 kp1090]
f) Rides bicycle [kp1085 kp1095]

How far away is the school? [kp1100]
How long does it take to get there in the morning? [kp1101]
Every day/some days
Coming back
Every day/some days

[kp1100] less than ½ mile (1 km) away
½ - 1 mile (1-2 km) away
1 - 5 miles (2-8 km) away
more than 5 miles (8 km) away

[kp1101] Minutes
ALSPAC8 years (103 months)2000-20018ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter at Home & At School (KT)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGAbout how often does your child do the following
l) play computer games [kt3018]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC8 years (103 months)2000-20018ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedSome More About Me (CCD)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow long do you spend playing computer games? [ccd340 ccd341]Separate for school days/weekends
Hardly at all
less than 1 hour a day
about 1 hour a day
more than 1 hour a day
ALSPAC8 years (103 months)2000-20018ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter at Home & At School (KT)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow much time on average does she spend each day:
k) using a computer [kt1160 kt1180]
Answer categories separate for 1) on a school day, 2) at the weekend and 3) on normal days during school holidays

Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC8 years (103 months)2000-20018ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter at Home & At School (KT)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow much time on average does she spend each day:
d) watching TV [kt1153 kt1173]
Answer categories separate for 1) on a school day, 2) at the weekend and 3) on normal days during school holidays

Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC8 years (103 months)2000-20018ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter at Home & At School (KT)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following
e) go to special classes or clubs for some activity (e.g. dancing, judo, sports) [kt3006]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC8 years (103 months)2000-20018ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter at Home & At School (KT)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following
a) go swimming [kt3000]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Once a month
Not at all
ALSPAC8 years (103 months)2000-20018ChildhoodParentSelf-completedMy Son/Daughter at Home & At School (KT)TRAVELTRAVELHow does she get to school and back?
a) She walks [kt1010 kt1020]
f) Rides bicycle [kt1015 kt1025]

How far away is the school? [kt1030]
How long does it take to get there in the morning? [kt1031]
Every day/some days
Coming back
Every day/some days

[kt1030] less than ½ mile (1 km) away
½ - 1 mile (1-2 km) away
1 - 5 miles (2-8 km) away
more than 5 miles (8 km) away

[kt1031] Minutes
ALSPAC9 years (115 months)2001-20029ChildhoodParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 9 (KU)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGAbout how often does your child do the following:
How often does she:
k) play computer games [ku536]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
1-3 times a month
Less than once per month
Not at all
ALSPAC9 years (115 months)2001-20029ChildhoodParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 9 (KU)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCWhen she finishes school and returns home, does she:
d) Use a computer [ku208]
ALSPAC9 years (115 months)2001-20029ChildhoodParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 9 (KU)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVWhen she finishes school and returns home, does she:
b) Watch TV or video [ku206]
ALSPAC9 years (115 months)2001-20029ChildhoodParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 9 (KU)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following:
How often does she:
e) Go to special classes or clubs for some activity (e.g. dancing, judo, sports) [ku525]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
1-3 times a month
Less than once per month
Not at all
ALSPAC9 years (115 months)2001-20029ChildhoodParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 9 (KU)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following:
How often does she:
a) Go swimming [ku520]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
1-3 times a month
Less than once per month
Not at all
ALSPAC9 years (115 months)2001-20029ChildhoodParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 9 (KU)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often does the study child do the following with them?
With her brothers and sisters
(x) Do sports e.g. football, gymnastics together [ku648]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Less than once per month
ALSPAC11 years (140 months)2002-200311ChildhoodParentSelf-completedBeing a Girl/Boy (KW)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGAbout how often does your child do the following:
K) play computer games [kw9016]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
1-3 times a month
Less than once per month
Not at all
ALSPAC11 years (140 months)2002-200311ChildhoodParentSelf-completedBeing a Girl/Boy (KW)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following:
e) Go to special classes or clubs for some activity (e.g. dancing, judo, football, other sports) [kw9005]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
1-3 times a month
Less than once per month
Not at all
ALSPAC11 years (140 months)2002-200311ChildhoodParentSelf-completedBeing a Girl/Boy (KW)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAbout how often does your child do the following:
a)Go swimming [kw9000]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
1-3 times a month
Less than once per month
Not at all
ALSPAC11 years (140 months)2002-200311ChildhoodParentSelf-completedBeing a Girl/Boy (KW)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often does the study child do the following with them?
With her brothers and sisters
(x) Do sports e.g. football, gymnastics together [kw9149]
Nearly every day
2-5 times a week
Once a week
Less than once per month
ALSPAC13 years (166 months)2005-200613AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedTravelling, Leisure and School (CCP)GENERALCYCLINGDo you own a bike? [ccp360]

When was the last time you rode a bike? [ccp375]

How far did you ride your bike at that time? (Tick one box only) [ccp380]
[ccp360] Yes/no

[ccp375] Today
2 - 4 days ago
5 - 7 days ago
Between 1 and 4 weeks ago
More than a month ago

[ccp380] Less than a mile
1-3 miles
Over 3 and up to 5 miles
More than 5 miles
ALSPAC13 years (167 months)2005-200713AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedBoys'/Girls' Experiences, Thoughts and Behaviour (CCQ)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow much time on average do you spend each day:
k) using a computer [ccq110]
Answers separately for during the week, on a weekend day and on a normal day in school holidays:
Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC13 years (167 months)2005-200713AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedBoys'/Girls' Experiences, Thoughts and Behaviour (CCQ)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow much time on average do you spend each day:
d) watching TV [ccq103]
Answers separately for during the week, on a weekend day and on a normal day in school holidays:
Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC13 years (166 months)2005-200613AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedTravelling, Leisure and School (CCP)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhich of these activities did you do last weekend? (You can tick more than one box in each column)
a) Went to a playground [ccp430 ccp450]
b) Went to a park or playing field [ccp431 ccp451]
d) Played outside your home [ccp433 ccp453]
k) Went to a leisure centre [ccp440 ccp460]
Accompanied with an adult/without an adultYesNoNo
ALSPAC13 years (166 months)2005-200613AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedTravelling, Leisure and School (CCP)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhich of these activities did you do last weekend? (You can tick more than one box in each column)
c) Went swimming [ccp432 ccp452]
f) Went for a walk [ccp435 ccp455]
g) Cycled around [ccp436 ccp456]
m) Played in a football (or other sports) match [ccp443 ccp463]
Accompanied with an adult/without an adultYesNoYes
ALSPAC13 years (166 months)2005-200613AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedTravelling, Leisure and School (CCP)TRAVELTRAVELHow do you get to and from school?
Separate answers for to school and returning:
a) Walk all the way [ccp210]
b) Walk part of the way [ccp211]
f) By bicycle [ccp215]
h) Skateboard or scooter [ccp217]

How long does your journey to and from school usually take? [ccp200 ccp201]
Separate answers for to school and returning:

Separate answers for going to school and returning home:
Less than 5 minutes
5-9 minutes
10-19 minutes
20-29 minutes
30-44 minutes
45 minutes or more
ALSPAC13 years (166 months)2005-200613AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedTravelling, Leisure and School (CCP)TRAVELTRAVELThink about the last time you spent some time with your friends OUTSIDE, away from school and away from home:

How long did it take you to get there? (Tick one box only) [ccp400]

How did you travel there? (You can tick more than one answer)
a) Walked all the way [ccp410 ccp450]
b) Walked part of the way [ccp411 ccp451]
e) By bicycle [ccp414 ccp454]
Less than 2 minutes
2-5 minutes
6-10 minutes
11-20 minutes
More than 20 minutes
I don’t spend time outside with friends

[ccp410 - ccp455 ]yes/no
ALSPAC16+ years (198 months)2008-200916AdolescenceParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 16+ years (TC)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGOn a day when she does any of the things below, about how long altogether does she usually spend? (Mark one box on each line)
h) Playinga computer or video game [tc3007]
Under 30 mins
30 mins to 1 hour
1-2 hours
2-4 hours
4-6 hours
Over 6 hours
ALSPAC16+ years (198 months)2008-200916AdolescenceParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 16+ years (TC)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURINTERNETOn a day when she does any of the things below, about how long altogether does she usually spend? (Mark one box on each line)
j) Using the internet for non-school/college workactivities [tc3009]
Under 30 mins
30 mins to 1 hour
1-2 hours
2-4 hours
4-6 hours
Over 6 hours
ALSPAC16+ years (198 months)2008-200916AdolescenceParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 16+ years (TC)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCOn a day when she does any of the things below, about how long altogether does she usually spend? (Mark one box on each line)
i) Using a computer for school/college work [tc3008]
Under 30 mins
30 mins to 1 hour
1-2 hours
2-4 hours
4-6 hours
Over 6 hours
ALSPAC16 years (198 months)2007-200916AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedLife of a 16+ Teenager (CCS)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow much time on average do you spend each day? (On each line answer one box on each side)
k) using a computer [ccs1010]
Answers separately for during the week and on a weekend day:
Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC16+ years (198 months)2008-200916AdolescenceParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 16+ years (TC)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVOn a day when she does any of the things below, about how long altogether does she usually spend? (Mark one box on each line)

c) Watching TV on Saturdays [tc3002]
d) Watching TV on Sundays [tc3003]
e) Watching TV on a weekday [tc3004]
f) Watching a DVD/video [tc3005]
Under 30 mins
30 mins to 1 hour
1-2 hours
2-4 hours
4-6 hours
Over 6 hours
ALSPAC16 years (198 months)2007-200916AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedLife of a 16+ Teenager (CCS)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow much time on average do you spend each day? (On each line answer one box on each side)
d) watching TV [ccs1003]
Answers separately for during the week and on a weekend day:
Not at all
Less than 1 hour
1-2 hours
3 or more hours
ALSPAC16+ years (198 months)2008-200916AdolescenceParentSelf-completedYour Son/Daughter at 16+ years (TC)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often does she usually go out to youth, sports clubs or groups? (Mark one box only [tc3031]

What kind of club or group does she go to? (Mark as many boxes as you need to).
ii) A sports club or sports centre [tc3041]
iii) Keep fit, aerobics or dancing classes [tc3042]

If she goes to a sports club, which sports does she do? (Mark as many boxes as you need to).
i) Tennis [tc3050]
ii) Swimming [tc3051]
iii) Wrestling [tc3052]
iv) Gymnastics [tc3053]
v) Martial arts (please state): [tc3054 tc3055]
vi) Football [tc3056]
vii) Boxing (including kickboxing) [[tc3057]
viii) Netball [tc3058]
ix) Weight training [tc3059]
x) Hockey [tc3060]
xi) Other (please state) [tc3061]
Most evenings
At least once a week
Less than once a week
Hardly ever or never

ALSPAC16 years (198 months)2007-200916AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedLife of a 16+ Teenager (CCS)TRAVELTRAVELYour trip to school/college/work (this morning, or the last time you went to school/college/work)

How long did your trip take? (Mark one box only) [ccs7000]

How did you get to school/college/work? (You can mark more than one answer)
a) Walked all the way [ccs7010]
b) Walked part of the way [ccs7011]
f) By bicycle [ccs7015]

How long did your trip home take? (Mark one box only) [ccs7030]

How did you go home from school/college/work? (You can mark more than one answer)
a) Walked all the way [ccs7040]
b) Walked part of the way [ccs7041]
f) By bicycle [ccs7045]
[ccs7000 ccs7030]
Less than 5 minutes
5-10 minutes
11-20 minutes
21-30 minutes
31-45 minutes
More than 45 minutes
ALSPAC18 years2010-201118AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYour Changing Life (CCT)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWe are interested in how you spend your time outside the home. In the last four weeks, have you been to or used the following things?
b) Parks and other open spaces [cct1001]
d) Swimming pool/leisure centre/gym [cct1003]
i) Outdoor sports pitch/ground [cct1008]
ALSPAC18 years2010-201118AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYour Changing Life (CCT)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEIn the last four weeks (or the last four weeks before school/college/university holidays) have you participated in any group activity that was not part of school lessons or college/university lectures (e.g. sports, arts, youth group)? [cct1025]

If yes, have you taken part in the following activities?
iii) Sports team or club [cct1027]
iv) Exercise or dance class [cct1028]
ALSPAC22 years2014-201522Early adulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedLife at 22+ (YPB)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGOn an average weekday, how many hours per day do you:
b. Play video games on PC/laptop or games console [YPB2061]

On an average weekend day, how many hours per day do you:
b. Play video games on PC/laptop or games console [YPB2071]
< 1
ALSPAC22 years2014-201522Early adulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedLife at 22+ (YPB)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCOn an average weekday, how many hours per day do you:
c. Use a computer or laptop (not for gaming) [YPB2062]

On an average weekend day, how many hours per day do you:
c. Use a computer or laptop (not for gaming) [YPB2072]
< 1
ALSPAC22 years2014-201522Early adulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedLife at 22+ (YPB)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPORTABLEOn an average weekday, how many hours per day do you:
d. Use your phone, tablet or e-book [YPB2063]

On an average weekend day, how many hours per day do you:
d. Use your phone, tablet or e-book [YPB2073]
< 1
ALSPAC22 years2014-201522Early adulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedLife at 22+ (YPB)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVOn an average weekday, how many hours per day do you:
a. Sit and watch TV [YPB2060]

On an average weekend day, how many hours per day do you:
a. Sit and watch TV [YPB2070]
< 1
ALSPAC22 years2014-201522Early adulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedLife at 22+ (YPB)LEISURESELF-COMPARISONCompared with other people your age, are you: [YPB2050]Much more active
More active
Less active
Much less active
ALSPAC22 years2014-201522Early adulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedLife at 22+ (YPB)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDo you take part in any strenuous/vigorous physical activity (e.g. rugby, football, netball, tennis, badminton, running, gym etc)? [YPB2040]
Less than monthly
Once a fortnight
2-4 times a week
5+ times a week
ALSPAC22 years2014-201522Early adulthoodStudy MemberSelf-completedLife at 22+ (YPB)TRAVELWALKING/CYCLINGDo you make regular journeys every day or most days that are either walking or cycling? [YPB2000]

If you walk regularly, how much time do you spend walking in an average week? [YPB2010]

Which of the following best describes your usual walking pace? [YPB2020]

If you cycle regularly, how much time do you spend cycling in an average week? [YPB2030]

[YPB2010 YPB2030] Hours per week

Fairly brisk
Fast (at least 4 miles/hr)
MCSMCS220043ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVTypically, how many hours a day does child watch television or videos? Would you say …..[bmtvho] Not at all
Up to one hour
More than 1 hour, less than 3 hours
Or, more than
MCSMCS220043ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEDoes anyone at home ever help child learn a sport, dance or physical activity? [bmsdpa]Yes/NoNoNoNo
MCSMCS320065ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPC/GAMINGOn a normal weekday during term time, how many hours does [^Cohort child's name] spend using a computer or playing electronic games outside school lessons?
Please remember to include time before school as well as time after school. [cmcomp]
Less than an hour
1 hour to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS320065ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVOn a normal week day during term time, how many hours does [^Cohort child's name] spend watching
television, videos or DVDs?
Please remember to include time before school as well as time after school. [cmtvho]
Less than an hour
1 hour to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS320065ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEOn average how many days a week does [^Cohort child's name] go to a club or class to do sport or any other physical activity like swimming, gymnastics, football,
dancing etc? [cmseho]
Five or more days a week
Four days a week
Three days a week
Two days a week
One day a week
Less often or not at all
MCSMCS320065ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISE(How often do you..) ..take [^Cohort child's name] to the park or to an outdoor playground? [cmwalk]Every day
Several times a week
Once or twice a week
Once or twice a month
Less often
Not at all
MCSMCS320065ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireTRAVELTRAVELHow does [^Cohort child's name] usually travel to school? [cmtrsc]

Does [^Cohort child's name] travel back from school the same way? [cmtrho]

How does [^Cohort child's name] travel back from school? [cmtrdi]
Public transport, such as bus or a train
School or local authority bus, minibus or coach
Car or other vehicle (including Taxi)
Bicycle - ^BabyN[loop] cycles
Bicycle - someone else cycles
Other (specify)

[CMTRHO] yes/no
MCSMCS420087ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireTRAVELTRAVELHow does [^Cohort child's name] usually travel to school? [dmtrsc]

Does [^Cohort child's name] travel back from school the same way? [dmtrho]

How does [^Cohort child's name] travel back from school? [dmtrdi]
Public transport, such as bus or a train
School or local authority bus, minibus or coach
Car or other vehicle (including Taxi)
Bicycle - child cycles
Bicycle - someone else cycles
Other (specify)

[DMTRHO] yes/no
MCSMCS420087ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPC/GAMINGOn a normal weekday during term time, how many hours does [^Cohort child's name] spend using a computer or playing electronic games outside school lessons? Please remember to include time before school as well as time after school. [dmcomp]None
Less than an hour 3 1 hour to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS420087ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVOn a normal week day during term time, how many hours does [^Cohort child's name] spend watching television, videos or DVDs? Please remember to include time before school as well as time after school. [dmtvho]None
Less than an hour 3 1 hour to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS420087ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow many days a week does [^Cohort child's name] usually go to a club or class to do sport or any other physical activity like swimming, gymnastics, football, dancing etc? [DMSEHO ]
Five or more days a week
Four days a week
Three days a week
Two days a week
One day a week
Less often than once a week
Not at all
MCSMCS420087ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISENot including clubs or classes, how many days a week does [^Cohort child's name] usually take part in physical activities (e.g. swimming, walking) or physically active play with [^his/ her] friends or brothers and sisters? [dmplfr]
Five or more days a week
Four days a week
Three days a week 4 Two days a week
One day a week
Less often than once a week
Not at all
MCSMCS420087ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISE (How often do you..) ..take [^Cohort child's name] to the park or to an outdoor playground? [dmwalk]

(How often does your partner.) ..take [^Cohort child's name] to the park or to an outdoor playground? [dpwalk]
Every day or almost every day
Several times a week
Once or twice a week
Once or twice a month
Less often than once a month
Not at all
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI QuestionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGOn a normal weekday during term time, how many hours does [^Cohort child's name] spend playing electronic games on a computer or games console, such as Wii, Nintendo D-S, X-Box or Playstation? Please remember to include time before school as well as time after school. [EPCOMP]None
Less than an hour
1 hour to less than 2 hours
2 hours to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedChild questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow often do you play games on a computer or games console, such as a Wii, Nintendo D-S, X-Box or Play Station, not at school? [ECQ05X]Most days
At least once a week
At least once a month
Less often than once a month
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI QuestionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVOn a normal week day during term time, how many hours does [^Cohort child's name] spend watching television programmes or films? Please remember to include time spent watching programmes or films on a computer or mobile device as well as on a TV, DVD etc. Please also include time spent before school as well as time after school. [EPTVHO]None
Less than an hour
1 hour to less than 2 hours
2 hours to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI QuestionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow many days a week does [^Cohort child's name] usually go to a club or class to do sport or any other physical activity like swimming, gymnastics, football, dancing etc? [EPSEHO ]
Five or more days a week
Four days a week
Three days a week
Two days a week
One day a week
Less often than once a week
Not at all
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI QuestionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISENot including clubs or classes, how many days a week does [^Cohort child's name] usually take part in physical activities (e.g. swimming, walking) or physically active play with [^his/ her] friends or brothers and sisters? Please don’t include walking to school. [EPPLFR]Five or more days a week
Four days a week
Three days a week
Two days a week
One day a week
Less often than once a week
Not at all
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodStudy MemberSelf-completedChild questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow often do you play sports or active games inside or outside, not at school? [ECQ03X]Most days
At least once a week
At least once a month
Less often than once a month
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI QuestionnaireTRAVELCYCLINGHow often does [^Cohort Child’s name] use a bicycle? Please include travel to and from school. [EPCYCF]Every day or almost every day
Several times a week
Once or twice a week
At least once a month
Every few months
At least once a year
Less often or never
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI QuestionnaireGENERALCYCLINGApart from the journey to school does [^Cohort child's name] make trips around the local area by bike… [EPLCLB]1 ... on [^his/her] own?
2 ...with other children [^his/her] own age or younger, including siblings?
3 ... with older children under 16, including siblings?
4 ...with adults 16 or over?
5 (SPONTANEOUS) Never makes trips around the local area by bike
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI QuestionnaireTRAVELWALKINGApart from the journey to school does [^Cohort child's name] make trips around the local area on foot (e.g. to the shops, friends’ houses etc)… [EPLCLF]

1 ...on [^his/her] own?
2 ...with other children [^his/her] own age or younger, including siblings?
3 ... with older children under 16, including siblings?
4 ...with adults 16 or over?
5 (SPONTANEOUS) Never makes trips around local area on foot
MCSMCS5201211ChildhoodParentInterviewParent CAPI questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISENot including clubs or classes, how many days a week does [^Cohort child's name] usually take part in physical activities (e.g. swimming, walking) or physically active play with [^his/ her] friends or brothers and sisters? Please don’t include walking to school. [EPPLFR]Five or more days a week
Four days a week
Three days a week 4 Two days a week
One day a week
Less often than once a week
Not at all
MCSMCS6201514AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYoung person questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGOn a normal week day during term time, how many hours do you spend playing electronic games on a computer or games systems, such as Wii, Nintendo D-S, X-Box or PlayStation? Please remember to include time before school as well as time after school. [FCCOMH]None
Less than half an hour
Half an hour to less than 1 hour
1 hour to less than 2 hours
2 hours to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS6201514AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYoung person questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURINTERNETOn a normal week day during term time, how many hours do you spend using the internet? Remember to include time spent using the internet on tablets, Smartphones and other mobile devices as well as computers and laptops. Please don’t include time spent using the internet at school, but remember to include time before and after school and anytime for homework. [FCCOMH]None
Less than half an hour
Half an hour to less than 1 hour
1 hour to less than 2 hours
2 hours to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS6201514AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYoung person questionnaireSEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVOn a normal week day during term time, how many hours do you spend watching television programmes or films? Please remember to include time spent watching programmes or films on a computer or mobile device as well as on a TV, DVD etc. Please also include time spent before school as well as time after school. [FCTVHO]None
Less than half an hour
Half an hour to less than 1 hour
1 hour to less than 2 hours
2 hours to less than 3 hours
3 hours to less than 5 hours
5 hours to less than 7 hours
7 hours or more
MCSMCS6201514AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYoung person questionnaireLEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEOn how many days in the last week did you do a total of at least an hour of moderate to vigorous physical activity? By moderate to vigorous we mean any physical activity that makes you get warmer, breathe harder and makes your heart beat faster, e.g. riding a bike, running, playing football, swimming, dancing, etc. [FCPHEX]Every day
5-6 days
3-4 days
1-2 days
Not at all
MCSMCS6201514AdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYoung person questionnaireTRAVELCYCLINGHow often do you use a bicycle? Please include travel to and from school. [FCCYCF]
Every day or almost every day
Several times a week
Once or twice a week
At least once a month
Every few months
At least once a year
Less often or never
Do not use a bicycle
MCSMCS6201514AdolescenceParentInterviewParent questionnaireTRAVELTRAVELHow does [^Cohort member's name] usually travel to school? [FPTRSC]

Does [^Cohort member's name] travel back from school in the same way? [FPTRHO]

How does [^Cohort member's name] travel back from school? [FPTRDI]

On a typical day, how long does it take [^Cohort member's name] to get from home to school, one way? [FPTRDI]
1 Public transport, such as bus, train, tram or underground
2 School or local authority bus, minibus or coach
3 Car or other vehicle (including Taxi)
4 Bicycle
5 Walking
6 Other

[FPTRHO] yes/no

Under 5 minutes
5 - under 15 minutes
15 - under 30 minutes
30 - under 45 minutes
45 - under 1 hour
1 under 2 hours
2 or more hours
UKHLSWave 12009-201110-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours do you spend using the computer at home for playing games on a normal school day? [YPCPGS]

How many hours do you spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [YPCONSTM]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 12009-201110-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURINTERNETHow often do you use the computer at home for connecting to the Internet, including for playing games? [YPCINTNT]Every day
At least once a week
At least one a month
Less than once a month
UKHLSWave 12009-201110-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURSOCIAL MEDIAHow many hours do you spend chatting or interacting with friends through a social web-site like that on a normal school day? [YPNETCHT]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 12009-201110-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [YPTVVIDHRS]NoneLess than an hour1-3 hours4-6 hours7 or more hoursYesYesYes
UKHLSWave 12009-201110-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow many days in a usual week do you play sports, do aerobics or do some other keep fit activity? [YPPSPRT]Every day
5-6 days
3-4 days
1-2 days
Less often than once a week
Never or hardly ever
UKHLSWave 12009-201110-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)TRAVELTRAVELWhat is the main way you usually travel to school? [YPTRVL2SCH]Walk all the way
Ride a bike
By bus or tube
By car
By train
Some other way/combination
UKHLSWave 22010-201210-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURSOCIAL MEDIAHow many hours do you spend chatting or interacting with friends through a social web-site like that on a normal school day? [YPNETCHT]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 22010-201210-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [YPTVVIDHRS]

How many hours do you spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on Saturday or Sunday? [YPTVVIDHRW]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 22010-201210-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhat type of exercise do you do, including things like cycling
or walking to school, or what sports do you play?
Walking, including walking the dog [YPEXTYPE1]
Swimming or diving [YPEXTYPE2]
Cycling [YPEXTYPE3]
Jogging or running [YPEXTYPE4]
Tennis, squash or badminton [YPEXTYPE5]
Keep fit, aerobics or gym training [YPEXTYPE6]
Football [YPEXTYPE7]
Netball, basketball or hockey [YPEXTYPE9]
Cricket [YPEXTYPE10]
Athletics [YPEXTYPE11]
Martial Arts [YPEXTYPE12]
Horse riding [YPEXTYPE13]
Gymnastics [YPEXTYPE14]
Dance [YPEXTYPE15]
Other type of sport or activity [YPEXTYPE16]
UKHLSWave 22010-201210-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhich of the following regular classes do you do outside school, if any?
UKHLSWave 22010-201210-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow many days in a usual week do you play sports, do
aerobics or do some other keep fit activity? [YPPSPRT]
Every day
5-6 days
3-4 days
1-2 days
Less often than once a week
Never or hardly ever
UKHLSWave 22010-201210-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)TRAVELTRAVELWhat is the main way you usually travel to school? [YPTRVL2SCH]Walk all the way
Ride a bike
By bus or tube
By car
By train
Some other way/combination
UKHLSWave 32011-201310-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours do you spend using the computer at home for playing games on a normal school day? [YPCPGS]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 32011-201310-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow often do you use the computer at home for connecting to the Internet, including for playing games? [YPCINTNT]Every day
At least once a week
At least one a month
Less than once a month
UKHLSWave 32011-201310-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURSOCIAL MEDIAHow many hours do you spend chatting or interacting with friends through a social web-site like that on a normal school day? [YPNETCHT]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 32011-201310-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [YPTVVIDHRS]

How many hours do you spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on Saturday or Sunday? [YPTVVIDHRW]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 42012-201410-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURSOCIAL MEDIAHow many hours do you spend chatting or interacting with friends through a social web-site like that on a normal school day? [YPNETCHT]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 42012-201410-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhat type of exercise do you do, including things like cycling or walking to school, or what sports do you play?
Walking, including walking the dog [YPEXTYPE1]
Swimming or diving [YPEXTYPE2]
Cycling [YPEXTYPE3]
Jogging or running [YPEXTYPE4]
Tennis, squash or badminton [YPEXTYPE5]
Keep fit, aerobics or gym training [YPEXTYPE6]
Football [YPEXTYPE7]
Netball, basketball or hockey [YPEXTYPE9]
Cricket [YPEXTYPE10]
Athletics [YPEXTYPE11]
Martial Arts [YPEXTYPE12]
Horse riding [YPEXTYPE13]
Gymnastics [YPEXTYPE14]
Dance [YPEXTYPE15]
Other type of sport or activity [YPEXTYPE16]

UKHLSWave 42012-201410-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhich of the following regular classes do you do outside school, if any?
UKHLSWave 42012-201410-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow many days in a usual week do you play sports, aerobics or do some other keep fit activity? [YPPSPRT]Every day
5-6 days
3-4 days
1-2 days
Less often than once a week
Never or hardly ever
UKHLSWave 42012-201410-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)TRAVELTRAVELWhat is the main way you usually travel to school? [YPTRVL2SCH]Walk all the way
Ride a bike
By bus or tube
By car
By train
Some other way/combination
UKHLSWave 52013-201510-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours do you spend using the computer at home for playing games on a normal school day? [YPCPGS]

How many hours do you spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [YPCONSTM]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 52013-201510-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURINTERNETHow often do you use the computer at home for connecting to the Internet, including for playing games? [YPCINTNT]Every day
At least once a week
At least once a month
Less often than once a month
UKHLSWave 52013-201510-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [YPTVVIDHRS]

How many hours do you spend watching TV, including video
and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on Saturday or Sunday? [YPTVVIDHRW]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 62014-201610-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhat type of exercise do you do, including things like cycling
or walking to school, or what sports do you play?
Walking, including walking the dog [YPEXTYPE1]
Swimming or diving [YPEXTYPE2]
Cycling [YPEXTYPE3]
Jogging or running [YPEXTYPE4]
Tennis, squash or badminton [YPEXTYPE5]
Keep fit, aerobics or gym training [YPEXTYPE6]
Football [YPEXTYPE7]
Netball, basketball or hockey [YPEXTYPE9]
Cricket [YPEXTYPE10]
Athletics [YPEXTYPE11]
Martial Arts [YPEXTYPE12]
Horse riding [YPEXTYPE13]
Gymnastics [YPEXTYPE14]
Dance [YPEXTYPE15]
Other type of sport or activity [YPEXTYPE16]
UKHLSWave 62014-201610-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhich of the following regular classes do you do outside school, if any?
UKHLSWave 62014-201610-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow many days in a usual week do you play sports, doaerobics or do some other keep fit activity? [YPPSPRT]Every day
5-6 days
3-4 days
1-2 days
Less often than once a week
Never or hardly ever
UKHLSWave 62014-201610-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)TRAVELTRAVELWhat is the main way you usually travel to school? [YPTRVL2SCH]Walk all the way
Ride a bike
By bus or tube
By car
By train
Some other way/combination
UKHLSWave 72015-201710-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours do you spend using the computer at home for playing games on a normal school day? [YPCPGS]

How many hours do you spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [YPCONSTM]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 72015-201710-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURINTERNETHow often do you use the computer at home for connecting to the Internet, including for playing games? [YPCINTNT]Every day/ at least once a week/ at least once a month/ less often than once a month/ neverYesYesYes
UKHLSWave 72015-201710-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [YPTVVIDHRS]

How many hours do you spend watching TV, including video
and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on Saturday or Sunday? [YPTVVIDHRW]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 82016-201810-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhat type of exercise do you do, including things like cycling
or walking to school, or what sports do you play?
Walking, including walking the dog [YPEXTYPE1]
Swimming or diving [YPEXTYPE2]
Cycling [YPEXTYPE3]
Jogging or running [YPEXTYPE4]
Tennis, squash or badminton [YPEXTYPE5]
Keep fit, aerobics or gym training [YPEXTYPE6]
Football [YPEXTYPE7]
Netball, basketball or hockey [YPEXTYPE9]
Cricket [YPEXTYPE10]
Athletics [YPEXTYPE11]
Martial Arts [YPEXTYPE12]
Horse riding [YPEXTYPE13]
Gymnastics [YPEXTYPE14]
Dance [YPEXTYPE15]
Other type of sport or activity [YPEXTYPE16]
UKHLSWave 82016-201810-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhich of the following regular classes do you do outside school, if any?
UKHLSWave 82016-201810-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow many days in a usual week do you play sports, do aerobics or do some other keep fit activity? [YPPSPRT]Every day
5-6 days
3-4 days
1-2 days
Less often than once a week
Never or hardly ever
UKHLSWave 82016-201810-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs)TRAVELTRAVELWhat is the main way you usually travel to school? [YPTRVL2SCH]Walk all the way
Ride a bike
By bus or tube
By car
By train
Some other way/combination
UKHLSWave 92017-201910-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURSOCIAL MEDIAHow many hours do you spend chatting or interacting with friends through a social web-site or app like that on a normal school day? [YPNETCHT]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 92017-201910-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching television programmes or films on a normal school day? Please remember to include time spent watching programmes and films on a computer or mobile device. [YPTVVIDHRS]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 92017-201910-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhat type of exercise do you do, including things like cycling
or walking to school, or what sports do you play?
Walking, including walking the dog [YPEXTYPE1]
Swimming or diving [YPEXTYPE2]
Cycling [YPEXTYPE3]
Jogging or running [YPEXTYPE4]
Tennis, squash or badminton [YPEXTYPE5]
Keep fit, aerobics or gym training [YPEXTYPE6]
Football [YPEXTYPE7]
Netball, basketball or hockey [YPEXTYPE9]
Cricket [YPEXTYPE10]
Athletics [YPEXTYPE11]
Martial Arts [YPEXTYPE12]
Horse riding [YPEXTYPE13]
Gymnastics [YPEXTYPE14]
Dance [YPEXTYPE15]
Other type of sport or activity [YPEXTYPE16]
UKHLSWave 92017-201910-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHow many days in a usual week do you play sports, do aerobics or do some other keep fit activity? [YPPSPRT]Every day
5-6 days
3-4 days
1-2 days
Less often than once a week
Never or hardly ever
UKHLSWave 102018-202010-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)DOMESTICHOUSEWORKAbout how many hours do you spend doing or helping with housework in an average week, such as time spent tidying your bedroom, cooking, cleaning or doing laundry? [XXXX]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 102018-202010-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURSOCIAL MEDIAHow many hours do you spend chatting or interacting with friends through a social media web-site or app like that on a normal school day?None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 102018-202010-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching television programmes or films on a normal school day? [YPTVVIDHRS]

How many hours do you spend watching television programmes or films on a weekend, that is on Saturday or Sunday? [YPTVVIDHRW]

Please remember to include time spent watching programmes and films on a computer or mobile device as well as on a TV, DVD etc.
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 102018-202010-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend using the computer at home for playing games on a normal school day? [YPCPGS]

How many hours do you spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [YPCONSTM]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 102018-202010-15 yearsAdolescenceStudy MemberSelf-completedYouth self-completion questionnaire (10-15yrs) (GB&NI)LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhich of the following regular classes do you do outside school, if any?
UKHLSWave 12009-201116+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 1, v04DOMESTICHOUSEWORKHours spent on housework per week [Howlng]Hr/weekYesYesYes
UKHLSWave 12009-201116+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 1, v04TRAVELTRAVELMode of transport for journey to work [Worktrav]

S/emp: mode of transport to work [Jsworktrav]
UKHLSWave 12009-201116+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 1, v04TRAVELWALKING/CYCLINGWalk or cycle for short journeys less than 2 or 3 miles [Envhabit9]Always
Very often
Quite often
Not very often
Not applicable, cannot do this
UKHLSWave 22010-201216+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 2, v04GENERALWALKINGIn the past four weeks, have you done a continuous walk that lasted at least 10 minutes? [Wlk10m]

During the past four weeks, on how many days did you do a walk of at least 10 minutes? [Daywlk]

On how many days in the last four weeks did you spend 30 minutes or more walking? This could be made up of more than one walk. [Wlk30min]

Which of the following best describes your usual walking pace... [Walkpace]

[Wlk10m] Yes/No/Can't walk

[Daywlk] Number of days

[Wlk30min] Number of days

[Walkpace] A slow pace/A steady average pace/a fairly brisk pace/a fast pace (at least 4 miles per hour)/none of these
UKHLSWave 22010-201216+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 2, v04LEISURESELF-RATEDOn a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being 'doing no sport at all' to 10 being 'very active through sport', where would you rank yourself? [Sportact]0 = No sport at all, 10 = Very active, all numbers, 0 to 10, to be shownNoNoNo
UKHLSWave 22010-201216+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 2, v04LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHere is a list of types of sporting activities. Please tell me which ones, if any, you have done in the last 12 months?

1 Health, fitness, gym or conditioning activities (including aerobics, keep-fit classes, weight-training or weight-lifting) [b_sports11]
2 Gymnastics [b_sports12]
3 Swimming or diving [b_sports13]
4 Cycling, BMX or mountain biking (for sport or recreation) [b_sports14]
5 Football (including 5 or 6-a-side) [b_sports15]
6 Rugby (Union or League) or American Football [b_sports16]
7 Track and field athletics [b_sports17]
8 Jogging, cross-country, road-running [b_sports18]
9 Hill trekking, backpacking, climbing or mountaineering [b_sports19]
10 Golf (including pitch and putt) [b_sports110]
11 Boxing [b_sports111]
12 Martial arts (including tai chi, taekwondo, karate and judo) [b_sports112]
13 Water sports, including yachting, dinghy sailing, canoeing, rowing, windsurfing, water-skiing etc. [b_sports113]
14 Horse riding [b_sports114]
96 NOTHING OF THIS KIND [b_sports196]

You said you have done [Sports1 ]. How often in the last 12 months have you done this sport/ all of these sports? If there is a 'peak season' for some of the sports then please bear this in mind when thinking of your answer. [Sportsfreq]
[Sports1] Yes/No

Three or more times a week
At least once a week but less than 3 times
Less often than once a week but at least once a month
Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
Twice in the last 12 months
Once in the last 12 months
Do not do any sport
UKHLSWave 22010-201216+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 2, v04LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAnd have you done any of these sporting activities in the last 12 months? Please include ALL the sports activities you have done. If there are any other sport activities you want to mention, just let me know which ones. [Sports2]

16 Basketball [b_sports216]
17 Netball [b_sports217]
18 Volleyball [b_sports218]
19 Cricket [b_sports219]
20 Hockey (exclude ice, roller or street hockey but include in 'other') [b_sports220]
21 Baseball, softball or rounders [b_sports221]
22 Racquet sports such as table tennis, tennis, badminton or squash [b_sports222]
23 Ice-skating [b_sports223]
24 Skiing (on snow, or an artificial surface: on slopes or grass) [b_sports224]
25 Motor sports [b_sports225]
26 Angling or Fishing [b_sports226]
27 Archery {if Age > 64} [b_sports227]
28 Yoga or pilates {if Age > 64} [b_sports228]
29 Bowls (indoors or outdoors) {if Age > 64} [b_sports229]
30 Croquet {if Age > 64} [b_sports230]
31 OTHER SPORTING ACTIVITY such as triathlon, fencing, lacrosse, orienteering, curling, gaelic sports, skateboarding, parachuting or scuba diving or anything else [b_sports231]
[Sports2] Yes/No

Three or more times a week
At least once a week but less than 3 times
Less often than once a week but at least once a month
Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
Twice in the last 12 months
Once in the last 12 months
Do not do any sport
UKHLSWave 22010-201216+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 2, v04LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISELastly, have you done any of these sporting activities in the last 12 months? [Sports3]

1 Snooker, pool or billiards [b_sports31]
2 Darts [b_sports32]
3 Ten-pin bowling [b_sports33]
4 Rambling, walking for pleasure or recreation [b_sports34]
5 Shooting [b_sports35]
6 Archery {if Age < 65} [b_sports36]
7 Yoga or pilates {if Age < 65} [b_sports37]
8 Bowls (indoors or outdoors) {if Age < 65} [b_sports38]
9 Croquet {if Age < 65} [b_sports39]
96 NOTHING OF THIS KIND [b_sports396]

How often in the last 12 months have you done this sport/all these sports? [Sports3freq]
[Sports3] Yes/No

Three or more times a week
At least once a week but less than 3 times
Less often than once a week but at least once a month
Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
Twice in the last 12 months
Once in the last 12 months
UKHLSWave 22010-201216+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 2, v04OCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALThinking about the type of work that you do, in general would you say that you are…[Wkphys]Very physically active
Fairly physically active
Not very physically active
Or not at all physically active in your job?
UKHLSWave 22010-201216+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 2, v04TRAVELTRAVELMode of transport for journey to work [Worktrav]

S/emp: mode of transport to work [Jsworktrav]
UKHLSWave 32011-201316+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 3, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching television on a normal weekday, that is, Monday to Friday? [Tvhours]Hrs/dayYesYesYes
UKHLSWave 32011-201316+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 3, v03LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEWhich of the activities listed below do you do with this [first/second/third] friend? Please select as many answers as apply. [Netdo]
bestfriend no 1 [c_netdo8_1]
bestfriend no 2 [c_netdo8_2]
bestfriend no 3 [c_netdo8_3]
Do sport or other types of exercise together, including walking
UKHLSWave 32011-201316+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 3, v03TRAVELTRAVELMode of transport for journey to work [Worktrav]

S/emp: mode of transport to work [Jsworktrav]
UKHLSWave 42012-201416+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 4, v03TRAVELCYCLINGHow frequently do you use a bicycle? Please count a single trip as one journey and each return trip as two. [Trbikefq]At least once a day
Less than once a day but at least 3 times a week
Once or twice a week
Less than that but more than twice a month
Once or twice a month
Less than that but more than twice a year
Once or twice a year
Less than that or never
UKHLSWave 42012-201416+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 4, v03TRAVELTRAVELMode of transport for journey to work [Worktrav]

S/emp: mode of transport to work [Jsworktrav]
UKHLSWave 52013-201516+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03GENERALWALKINGIn the past four weeks, have you done a continuous walk that lasted at least 10 minutes? [Wlk10m]

During the past four weeks, on how many days did you do a walk of at least 10 minutes? [Daywlk]

On how many days in the last four weeks did you spend 30 minutes or more walking? This could be made up of more than one walk. [Wlk30min]

Which of the following best describes your usual walking pace... [Walkpace]

[Wlk10m] Yes/No/Can't walk

[Daywlk] Number of days

[Wlk30min] Number of days

[Walkpace] A slow pace/A steady average pace/a fairly brisk pace/a fast pace (at least 4 miles per hour)/none of these
UKHLSWave 52013-201516+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03LEISURESELF-RATEDOn a scale of 0 to 10, with 0 being 'doing no sport at all' to 10 being 'very active through sport', where would you rank yourself? [Sportact]0 = No sport at all, 10 = Very active, all numbers, 0 to 10, to be shownNoNoNo
UKHLSWave 52013-201516+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEHere is a list of types of sporting activities. Please tell me which ones, if any, you have done in the last 12 months?

1 Health, fitness, gym or conditioning activities (including aerobics, keep-fit classes, weight-training or weight-lifting) [e_sports11]
2 Gymnastics [e_sports12]
3 Swimming or diving [e_sports13]
4 Cycling, BMX or mountain biking (for sport or recreation) [e_sports14]
5 Football (including 5 or 6-a-side) [e_sport15]
6 Rugby (Union or League) or American Football [e]_sport16)
7 Track and field athletics [e_sport17]
8 Jogging, cross-country, road-running [e_sports18]
9 Hill trekking, backpacking, climbing or mountaineering [e_sport19]
10 Golf (including pitch and putt) [e_sports110]
11 Boxing [e_sports111]
12 Martial arts (including tai chi, taekwondo, karate and judo) [e_sports112]
13 Water sports, including yachting, dinghy sailing, canoeing, rowing, windsurfing, waterski-ing etc. [e_sports113]
14 Horse riding [e_sports114] 96 NOTHING OF THIS KIND [e_sports196]

You said you have done. How often in the last 12 months have you done this sport/ all of these sports? If there is a 'peak season' for some of the sports then please bear this in mind when thinking of your answer. [Sportsfreq]
[Sports1] Yes/No

Three or more times a week
At least once a week but less than 3 times
Less often than once a week but at least once a month
Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
Twice in the last 12 months
Once in the last 12 months
Do not do any sport
UKHLSWave 52013-201516+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISEAnd have you done any of these sporting activities in the last 12 months? Please include ALL the sports activities you have done. If there are any other sport activities you want to mention, just let me know which ones. [Sports2]

16 Basketball [e_sports216]
17 Netball [e_sports217]
18 Volleyball [e_sports218]
19 Cricket [e_sports219]
20 Hockey (exclude ice, roller or street hockey but include in 'other') [e_sports220]
21 Baseball, softball or rounders [e_sports221]
22 Racquet sports such as table tennis, tennis, badminton or squash [e_sports222]
23 Iceskating [e_sports223]
24 Ski-ng (on snow, or an artificial surface: on slopes or grass) [e_sports224]
25 Motor sports [e_sports225]
26 Angling or Fishing [e_sports226]
27 Archery {if Age > 64} [e_sports227]
28 Yoga or pilates {if Age > 64} [e_sports228]
29 Bowls (indoors or outdoors) {if Age > 64} [e_sports229]
30 Croquet {if Age > 64} [e_sports230]
31 OTHER SPORTING ACTIVITY such as triathlon, fencing, lacrosse, orienteering, curling, gaelic sports, skateboarding, parachuting or scuba diving or anything else [e_sports231]

You said you have done. How often in the last 12 months have you done this sport/ all of these sports? If there is a 'peak season' for some of the sports then please bear this in mind when thinking of your answer. [Sportsfreq]
[Sports2] Yes/No

Three or more times a week
At least once a week but less than 3 times
Less often than once a week but at least once a month
Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
Twice in the last 12 months
Once in the last 12 months
Do not do any sport
UKHLSWave 52013-201516+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISELastly, have you done any of these sporting activities in the last 12 months? [Sports3]

1 Snooker, pool or billiards [e_sports31]
2 Darts [e_sports32]
3 Ten-pin bowling [e_sports33]
4 Rambling, walking for pleasure or recreation [e_sports34]
5 Shooting [e_sports35]
6 Archery {if Age < 65} [e_sports36]
7 Yoga or pilates {if Age < 65} [e_sports37]
8 Bowls (indoors or outdoors) {if Age < 65} [e_sports38]
9 Croquet {if Age < 65} [e_sports39] 96 NOTHING OF THIS KIND [e_sports396]

How often in the last 12 months have you done this sport/all these sports? [e_sports3freq]

You said you have done. How often in the last 12 months have you done this sport/all these sports? [e_sports3freq]
[Sports3] Yes/No

Three or more times a week
At least once a week but less than 3 times
Less often than once a week but at least once a month
Less often than once a month but at least 3 or 4 times a year
Twice in the last 12 months
Once in the last 12 months
UKHLSWave 52013-201516+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03OCCUPATIONALOCCUPATIONALThinking about the type of work that you do, in general would you say that you are…[Wkphys]Very physically active
Fairly physically active
Not very physically active
Or not at all physically active in your job?
UKHLSWave 62014-201616+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 6, v02SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching television on a normal weekday, that is, Monday to Friday? [Tvhours]Hrs/dayYesYesYes
UKHLSWave 62014-201616+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 6, v02TRAVELCYCLINGHow frequently do you use a bicycle? Please count a single trip as one journey and each return trip as two. [Trbikefq]At least once a day
Less than once a day but at least 3 times a week
Once or twice a week
Less than that but more than twice a month
Once or twice a month
Less than that but more than twice a year
Once or twice a year
Less than that or never
UKHLSWave 72015-201716+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 7, v05GENERALWALKINGNow think about the time you spent walking in the last 7 days. This includes at work and at home, walking to travel from place to place, and any other walking that you might do solely for recreation, sport, exercise, or leisure.

During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time? [Wday]

How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days? [Wdhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Wdmin]

How much time in total did you spend over the last 7 days walking? [Wwhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Wwmin]
[Wday] Days per week

[Wdhrs] Hours per day

[Wdmin] Minutes per day

[Wwhrs] Hours per week

[Wwmin] Minutes per week
UKHLSWave 72015-201716+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 7, v05LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISENow, think about all the vigorous activities which take hard physical effort that you did in the last 7 days. Vigorous activities make you breathe much harder than normal and may include heavy lifting, digging, aerobics, or fast bicycling. Think only about those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.

During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities? [Vday]

How much time did you usually spend doing vigorous physical activities on one of those days? [Vdhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Vdmin]

How much time in total did you spend over the last 7 days doing vigorous physical activities? [Vwhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Vwmin]
[Vday] Days per week

[Vdhrs] Hours per day

[Vdmin] Minutes per day

[Vwhrs] Hours per week

[Vwmin] Minutes per week
UKHLSWave 72015-201716+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 7, v05LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISENow think about activities which take moderate physical effort that you did in the last 7 days. Moderate physical activities make you breathe somewhat harder than normal and may include carrying light loads, bicycling at a regular pace, or doubles tennis. Do not include walking. Again, think only about those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.

During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activities? [Mday]

How much time did you usually spend doing moderate physical activities on one of those days? [Mdhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Mdmin]

How much time in total did you spend over the last 7 days doing moderate physical activities? [Mwhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Mwmin]
[Mday] Days per week

[Mdhrs] Hours per day

[Mdmin] Minutes per day

[Mwhrs] Hours per week

[Mwmin] Minutes per week
UKHLSWave 82016-201816+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 8, v04TRAVELCYCLINGHow frequently do you use a bicycle? Please count a single trip as one journey and each return trip as two. [Trbikefq]At least once a day
Less than once a day but at least 3 times a week
Once or twice a week
Less than that but more than twice a month
Once or twice a month
Less than that but more than twice a year
Once or twice a year
Less than that or never
UKHLSWave 82016-201816+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 8, v04TRAVELTRAVELMode of transport for journey to work [Worktrav]

S/emp: mode of transport to work [Jsworktrav]

About how far, in miles, do you live from your usual place of work? [Workdis]

[Workdis] Miles
UKHLSWave 92017-201916+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 9, v04SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours do you spend watching television on a normal weekday, that is, Monday to Friday? [Tvhours]Hrs/dayYesYesYes
UKHLSWave 92017-201916+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 9, v04LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISENow, think about all the vigorous activities which take hard physical effort that you did in the last 7 days. Vigorous activities make you breathe much harder than normal and may include heavy lifting, digging, aerobics, or fast bicycling. Think only about those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.

During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do vigorous physical activities? [Vday]

How much time did you usually spend doing vigorous physical activities on one of those days? [Vdhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Vdmin]

How much time in total did you spend over the last 7 days doing vigorous physical activities? [Vwhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Vwmin]
[Vday] Days per week

[Vdhrs] Hours per day

[Vdmin] Minutes per day

[Vwhrs] Hours per week

[Vwmin] Minutes per week
UKHLSWave 92017-201916+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 9, v04LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISENow think about activities which take moderate physical effort that you did in the last 7 days. Moderate physical activities make you breathe somewhat harder than normal and may include carrying light loads, bicycling at a regular pace, or doubles tennis. Do not include walking. Again, think only about those physical activities that you did for at least 10 minutes at a time.

During the last 7 days, on how many days did you do moderate physical activities? [Mday]

How much time did you usually spend doing moderate physical activities on one of those days? [Mdhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Mdmin]

How much time in total did you spend over the last 7 days doing moderate physical activities? [Mwhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Mwmin]
[Mday] Days per week

[Mdhrs] Hours per day

[Mdmin] Minutes per day

[Mwhrs] Hours per week

[Mwmin] Minutes per week
UKHLSWave 92017-201916+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 9, v04LEISURESPORTS/EXERCISENow think about the time you spent walking in the last 7 days. This includes at work and at home, walking to travel from place to place, and any other walking that you might do solely for recreation, sport, exercise, or leisure.

During the last 7 days, on how many days did you walk for at least 10 minutes at a time? [Wday]

How much time did you usually spend walking on one of those days? [Wdhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Wdmin]

How much time in total did you spend over the last 7 days walking? [Wwhrs]

You've reported engaging in physical activity for less than 10 minutes. Please only count activity for 10 minutes or more. [Wwmin]
[Wday] Days per week

[Wdhrs] Hours per day

[Wdmin] Minutes per day

[Wwhrs] Hours per week

[Wwmin] Minutes per week
UKHLSWave 102018-202016+ yearsAdulthoodStudy MemberComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 10, v01TRAVELCYCLINGHow frequently do you use a bicycle? Please count a single trip as one journey and each return trip as two. [Trbikefq]At least once a day
Less than once a day but at least 3 times a week
Once or twice a week
Less than that but more than twice a month
Once or twice a month
Less than that but more than twice a year
Once or twice a year
Less than that or never
UKHLSWave 32011-2013Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 3, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [Cdconstm]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 32011-2013Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 3, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend [per day] using the computer at home for any reason? Please do not include any use of a games console. [Cdpchrs]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 32011-2013Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 3, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [Cdtvvidhrs]

How many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on a Saturday or Sunday [Cdtvvidhrw]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 42012-2014Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 4, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [Cdconstm]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 42012-2014Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 4, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend [per day] using the computer at home for any reason? Please do not include any use of a games console. [Cdpchrs]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 42012-2014Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 4, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [Cdtvvidhrs]

How many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on a Saturday or Sunday [Cdtvvidhrw]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 52013-2015Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [Cdconstm]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 52013-2015Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend [per day] using the computer at home for any reason? Please do not include any use of a games console. [Cdpchrs]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 52013-2015Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 5, v03SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [Cdtvvidhrs]

How many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on a Saturday or Sunday [Cdtvvidhrw]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 62014-2016Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 6, v02SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [Cdconstm]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 62014-2016Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 6, v02SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend [per day] using the computer at home for any reason? Please do not include any use of a games console. [Cdpchrs]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 62014-2016Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 6, v02SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [Cdtvvidhrs]

How many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on a Saturday or Sunday [Cdtvvidhrw]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 72015-2017Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 7, v05SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [Cdconstm]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 72015-2017Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 7, v05SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend [per day] using the computer at home for any reason? Please do not include any use of a games console. [Cdpchrs]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 72015-2017Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 7, v05SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [Cdtvvidhrs]

How many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on a Saturday or Sunday [Cdtvvidhrw]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 82016-2018Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 8, v04SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [Cdconstm]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 82016-2018Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 8, v04SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend [per day] using the computer at home for any reason? Please do not include any use of a games console. [Cdpchrs]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 82016-2018Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 8, v04SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [Cdtvvidhrs]

How many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on a Saturday or Sunday [Cdtvvidhrw]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 92017-2019Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 9, v04SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [Cdconstm]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 92017-2019Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 9, v04SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend [per day] using the computer at home for any reason? Please do not include any use of a games console. [Cdpchrs]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 92017-2019Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 9, v04SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [Cdtvvidhrs]

How many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on a Saturday or Sunday [Cdtvvidhrw]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 102018-2020Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 10, v01SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURGAMINGHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend playing games on a games console on a normal school day? [Cdconstm]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 102018-2020Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 10, v01SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURPCHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend [per day] using the computer at home for any reason? Please do not include any use of a games console. [Cdpchrs]None
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours
UKHLSWave 102018-2020Under 10 yearsChildhoodParentComputer Assisted Personal Interview (CAPI)UK Household Longitudinal Study Mainstage Questionnaire Wave 10, v01SEDENTARY BEHAVIOURTVHow many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a normal school day? [Cdtvvidhrs]

How many hours does [CHILD NAME] spend watching TV, including video and DVDs, on a weekend, that is on a Saturday or Sunday [Cdtvvidhrw]
Less than an hour
1-3 hours
4-6 hours
7 or more hours