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Closer - The home of longitudinal research

Fourth issue of CLOSER’s COVID-19 Update Bulletin published

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CLOSER has published the fourth issue of our COVID-19 Update Bulletin.

This issue features the release of new COVID-19 survey data from five national longitudinal cohort studies. Over 18,000 participants, aged between 17 and 74, in the survey which ran throughout May 2020. The new data will help researchers understand the economic, health and social consequences of the pandemic and track the lasting impact on people’s lives.

The following developments are also covers in this edition of the bulletin:

  • The Wellcome Trust’s COVID-19 questionnaire is now available on request
  • The ESRC has funded two new studies examining the effects of the pandemic on women, and the ongoing impacts on people’s mental health and financial circumstances

The COVID-19 Update Bulletin provides subscribers with the latest news of longitudinal surveys, data releases, emerging findings, opinion and blogs related to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Further information

Read the Issue 4 of our COVID-19 Update Bulletin
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