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Closer - The home of longitudinal research

New forms of data collection

Theme overview

The parallel sessions within new forms of data collection theme focused on the following issues. Select the presentation titles to download the slides as PDFs.

Summary of key points

  1. Issues with new forms of data collection include costs involved and lack of participant familiarity.
  2. Mixing new data methods with existing techniques can maximise responses and reduce missing data.
  3. Studies need to consider ethics and trade-off of re-engaging past participants compared to active participants.
  4. Smartphones are ideally suited to short, closed studies (e.g. via SMS) or passive data collection (e.g. via GPS).
  5. Advantages including ease of use, reduced fieldwork and staff costs, whilst limitations include user bias, safety and security, and less participant engagement/trust compared to F2F ‘gold standard’.
  6. Text messaging is a useful method of prompting cohort members who are familiar with F2F contact.

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